Prophecy | Australia Soon To Be Struck By A Massive Earthquake | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

The voting to legalize Gay Marriage in Australia ends by November 7, 2017. Now we are not here to force you to vote yes or no, but it is important to tell believers that we can expect the same patterns and results if we make our cities like Sodom


New Madrid Fault Earthquake When US Betrays Israel and California Earthquake For Sexual Sins

Prophecy : New Madrid Fault Earthquake and California Earthquake Prophecies by Late Seer Prophet Bob Jones.

This has been a subject that many prophets have warned to the United States in the last 2-3 decades. It is very evident from all the Prophecies we can extrapolate this idea.. You can click here to pause and view the timeline : 2:28

1. California Earthquake Prophecy : Massive Earthquake will strike the Californian region for mainly it's Sexual Sins and the effect it has produced on the entire world : Worldwide Pornography, Homosexuality and Perversion, Prostitution and making Sexual Relations a casual norm - Debauchery. As a result, judgement is pronounced on California an Earthquake will strike the East Coast Soon. 

The famous movie, San Andreas featuring the Rock was taken a few years ago. This film signifies the prophetic and hidden message that the occult - pre programming - social engineering elite is doing to this generation. (What I'm trying to say is, since a movie has been released by Hollywood concerning a future event that will rock the East Coast Soon, it will be more evident for unbelievers and normal citizens to categorize it as a natural disaster than the Judgement for Sexual Sins)

But Christians must inevitably consider it as a Judgement( Now Why ? - Because there's a cue in the Bible) - Sodom and Gomorrah as well as the Noah's Flood Time Period - Had similar trends - So a similar judgement is expected to strike California.

2. New Madrid Fault Earthquake - This Inevitable Earthquake will strike the U.S once Jerusalem is divided because of the Betrayal of it's closest friend, America. The betrayal is already done by the Obama Administration - UN 2334, which was passed on 23rd December 2016 - wherein US abstained from voting while it was supposed to. The second blunder which was done during Obama's period was the Iran Nuclear Deal - A Deal that Obama did his best to implement and give to a regime that calls and celebrates 'Death to America' and 'Death to Israel' national days. So what Obama did was obviously strange and the hand of the Devil is in it. 

All Judgements by God are for one Reason - To bring righteous judgement and redemption for a nation to turn back from it's former sins. Now since we are living in the last days and the man of sin(The Antichrist) and the false prophet(Pope Francis who is already here) are going to come in the main screenplay and deceive Israel and the entire world. 

All of these events are going to take place in God's appointed time and his grace and mercies are delaying the dreadful days just like how he always delayed such events in the past with Israel and the rest of the world. Now is the time to repent and be righteous. Then we can expect the same result that Noah and Lot recieved from God - Supernatural protection and guidance from all these deadly disasters on the face of the earth. 

God is always loving. His Judgements are full of love. If God had not destroyed the whole earth in Noah's time, then Jesus could not have been born - Because the Messiah needs to be born of the seed of a woman(The fallen angels had corrupted the seed of men and women - and produced the Nephilim and the Giants - that line cannot produced the Messiah and moreover, it would be a threat to the Messiah - Understand this from Cain and Abel). SImilarly God's judgement on USA will be redemptive.

Event : Awaken the Dawn Conference - Virginia, USA - 18-21st May 2011

Hebrew Christian Worship - Gadol Adonai - Birgitta Johanna Lundvall - ICEJ 2017 - 6/10/2017

Lyrics and Chords : http://www.sarahliberman.com/wp-conte...

Event: Israel - Christian International Embassy, ​​Jerusalem - 7/10/2017 - Feast of Tabernacles

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Hebrew Worship - Psalm 34 - TAAMU | MIQEDEM Live - Pais Arena, Jerusalem

Lyrics : Ta'amu ur'u ki tov Adonai Avarcha et Adonai bechol et, tamid tehilato befi Gadlu l'Adonai iti unerumema sh'mo yachdav Psalm 34 O taste and see that Adonai is good At all times I will bless Him His praise is always on my lips Magnify Adonai with me And let us exalt His name together Event: MIQEDEM in Pais Arena, Jerusalem, Israel - Christian International Embassy , ​​Jerusalem - 8/10/2017 - Feast of Tabernacles

Hebrew Worship - Psalm 95 - Lechu Neranena L' Adonai | MIQEDEM Live - Pais Arena, Jerusalem

et us sing unto the LORD for joy,
To the Rock of our salvation,
Let us sing unto the LORD for joy,
To the Rock of our salvation,
Let us sing unto the LORD for joy,
To the Rock of our salvation,
Let us sing unto the LORD for joy,
To the Rock of our salvation.

Come into His presence with praise,
Singing and shouting proclaim,
That ADONAI is our Great God,
Come into His presence with praise,
Singing and shouting proclaim,
That ADONAI is our King.

Lechu Neranena L'Adonai (לְכוּ נְרַנְּנָה לַיְיָ)
Nariya L'tzur Yishenu (נָרִיעָה לְצוּר יִשְׁעֵנוּ)
Lechu Neranena L'Adonai (לְכוּ נְרַנְּנָה לַיְיָ)
Nariya L'tzur Yishenu (נָרִיעָה לְצוּר יִשְׁעֵנוּ)
Lechu Neranena L'Adonai (לְכוּ נְרַנְּנָה לַיְיָ)
Nariya L'tzur Yishenu (נָרִיעָה לְצוּר יִשְׁעֵנוּ)
Lechu Neranena L'Adonai (לְכוּ נְרַנְּנָה לַיְיָ)
Nariya L'tzur Yishenu (נָרִיעָה לְצוּר יִשְׁעֵנוּ)
Nekpadma panav betoda (נְקַדְּמָה פָנָיו בְּתוֹדָה)
Bizmirot Nariya Lo, (בִּזְמִרוֹת נָרִיעַ לוֹ)
Ki El Gadol Adonai (כִּי אֵל גָּדוֹל יְיָ)
Nekpadma panav betoda (נְקַדְּמָה פָנָיו בְּתוֹדָה)
Bizmirot Nariya Lo, (בִּזְמִרוֹת נָרִיעַ לוֹ)
Ki El Gadol Adonai (כִּי אֵל גָּדוֹל יְיָ)

Depths of the earth are in His Hands,
And the mountain piece are His,
Depths of the earth are in His Hands,
And the mountain piece are His,
His is the sea for He made it,
By His hands He formed dry land,
His is the sea for He made it,
By His hands He formed dry land.

Come into His presence with praise,
Singing and shouting proclaim,
That ADONAI is our Great God,
Come into His presence with praise,
Singing and shouting proclaim,
That ADONAI is our King,
Yes ADONAI is our King.

Let us worship and bow down,
Kneel before the LORD our Maker,
Worship and bow down,
Kneel before the LORD our Maker,
Worship and bow down, (Worship and bow down)
Kneel before the LORD our Maker,
Worship and bow down, (Ahah)
Kneel before the LORD our Maker.

Come into His presence with praise,
Singing and shouting proclaim,
That ADONAI is our Great God,
Come into His presence with praise,
Singing and shouting proclaim,
That ADONAI is our King,
Singing and shouting proclaim,
That ADONAI is our Great God,
Nekpadma panav betoda (נְקַדְּמָה פָנָיו בְּתוֹדָה)
Bizmirot Nariya Lo, (בִּזְמִרוֹת נָרִיעַ לוֹ)
Ki El Gadol Adonai (כִּי אֵל גָּדוֹל יְיָ)
Gadol Adonai (גָּדוֹל יְי)
Ki El Gadol Adonai (כִּי אֵל גָּדוֹל יְיָ)
ADONAI is our King of Kings,
Gadol Adonai (גָּדוֹל יְי)
Ki El Gadol Adonai (כִּי אֵל גָּדוֹל יְיָ).

Hebrew Worship - Isaiah 61 - SOS ASIS | MIQEDEM Live - Pais Arena, Jerusalem

Lyrics :

שיר שני באלבומם החדש של להקת מקדם.
מילים: ישעיהו ס"א 10

‎שׂוֹשׂ אָשִׂישׂ בַּיהוָה, תָּגֵל נַפְשִׁי בֵּאלֹהַי--כִּי הִלְבִּישַׁנִי בִּגְדֵי-יֶשַׁע, מְעִיל צְדָקָה יְעָטָנִי

Lyrics: Isaiah 61:10

Sos asis ba'Adonai
Tagel nafshi be'elohai
Ki hilbishani bigdei yesha
Me'il tzdaka ye'atani

Event: MIQEDEM in Pais Arena, Jerusalem, Israel - Christian International Embassy , ​​Jerusalem - 8/10/2017 - Feast of Tabernacles

Prophecy : Gay Marriage Bill - Australia Will Become a Nation of Gays Soon | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

The Australian people will have time till the 7th of November 2017 to the cast their vote in favor or in opposition to legalizing Gay Marriage and eventually passing/rejecting the Gay Marriage Bill. There are still 4 Million people yet to cast their votes. 

Most Christians living in Australia can do one thing alone. Pray against the spiritual forces in the mid-heavens that are initiating such ideas. Daniel 10 speaks of an event where the Continuous 23 day Prayer Run of the Prophet Daniel allowed Archangel Michael to destroy the Prince of Persia - The Fallen Angel over the Persia Region and to release Gabriel to minister unto him.

We can do the same thing ! Share this with as many friends as you can !

There is only one thing written in the Bible and it can never contradict any other verse in the Bible, and that commandment about homosexuality says thus..

Old Testament : 

‘You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination' - Leviticus 18:22

New Testament :

Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error - Romans 1:27

There is no excuse for the verses we have read in the holy scriptures about homosexuality. However it is important that it is not the job of a Christian to cuss or use profane words or act violently with such people. This is because of the testament of forgiveness of sins established under Lord Jesus Christ.

Rather our job is simply to tell what is written in the scripture - and that is perfectly normal under the law and under public forums and internet platforms that support the freedom of speech. One such internet platform that I use to spread the word of God is Youtube. 

DISCLAIMER - To those who find this offensive : Even though it might not be normal not to agree with us, we must mutually agree with the policy of free speech and expression that Youtube allows. 

P.S : There are tons of videos that mock Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every other thing that relates to God. They have the right to do so because of the freedom of expression that Youtube provides it's users with.

Media Content : 

Verses and References : http://biblehub.com/leviticus/18-22.htm

Statistics : http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-24...

Catholic Australian Bishop Warns Future : http://www.theaustralian.com.au/natio...

Event : 7-9 September, Come Lord Jesus Conference 2017 - NSW, Australia

Speakers : Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj


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