La fête

La fête ici mon coeur la bas 
Fête du Joies de souvenirs, recueilment 
L'aide, La Prière le pardon 
fête de Noël, fête de lumiere 
joie des Enfants 
odeur de l'encens 
le mariage, cortège, robes de Toutes coulers 
fête de l'enface, de ma jeunesse 
Avec Voisines et amies 
souvenir de ma mère Qui M'a TOUT DONNE


"When man realises the Greatness of his own Self, he reaches the highest peak of humanity and he is then able to respect the needs and ambitions of others. Such Perfection alone will secure and maintain Peace within Self, between individuals and between Nations. All the problems in the life of mankind will be solved only then. Therefore all deserving men should realize Self in time. This is the absolute need for the World in these days of Scientific advancement. The question "Who Am I?" arising one's mind indicates that he is deserving of Self Realization. This can be attained only by proper guidance.
Of course, its is not an easy task to find out an able real and sincere teacher to guide the aspirants of spiritual approach in the safe and right way. If any one of you is not able to get such a Guide within easy reach, do not be disheartened. I am ready to help you. With my open heart, spiritual love and sufficient experience in inner travel. I shall guide and lead you to attain Spiritual Perfection and reach the goal of Self Realisztion"


we talk about the welfare of the mother and the child, it does n't concern only the women and the children. It is a highly regarded science common for the entire humanity. For the benefit of the humanity, it is essential that each individual give due respect to the field of mother and child welfare and perform the essential tasks. In order to prevent either the mother or the child from contracting a disease, it is the duty of the women to take appropriate care from the time of conception to that of delivery. But it cannot be taken care of by the women alone. The husband, who plays a pivotal role in the family, and other elders all have their duties to perform. It is essential that everyone possess the required knowledge.

During the period of pregnancy, if the mind of the woman gets tired, tangled in problems; if we cause the mind to worry, then each of them will affect the mind of the child. Mind is a treasure trove of the nature containing the Genetic centre, Bio-magnetism and consciousness in the static state. We should understand that.
Have they learnt how to treat a pregnant woman in the household, how the husband should behave with her ? No, they have n't. Majority of them are ignorant of how the state of the mind prevailing during the period of pregnancy will affect the child. Hence let us be aware of the outcome, act accordingly and reap the benefits


Our purpose of life is spiritual advancement in addition to peace and satisfaction. If our main goal in life is spiritual growth, everything else would appear to be unimportant. We will be able to keep our mind in a state of fulfillment. We will realize the value of Duty and perform all our actions with awareness.

Those who really want to develop spiritually should go beyond problems and worries and allow the wisdom to act freely. Make it a habit to contemplate and find the link between universal functions and human life. You will then find that your ego will automatically melt away.
Actually ego and lack of understanding of law of Nature are closely connected to each other.. Because of this, man develops false prestige about himself. With this coloured vision, when he deals with others, differences of opinion and problems are bound to arise. But once we reform our mind, we will be able to maintain a state of equanimity (A balanced state of mind characterized by lack of strong attachments - attractions (cravings or desires) or repulsions (aversions).) while dealing with others. This state of mind forms the bedrock for Ecstacy and this higher state of mind is the Fountain of Divine Grace.

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