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The best tamil Student

Abicumaran Uthamacumaran graduated from the Cote-St-Luc school four months ago, and was given an honorary doctorate of science from the English Montreal School Board and Marymount Academy Thursday.

MONTREAL — Marymount Academy welcomed back one of its own Thursday: an internationally recognized scientist -- who is only 17 years old.

Abicumaran Uthamacumaran graduated from the Cote-St-Luc Rd. school four months ago, and was put on an accelerated track.

"My plans were to go to college and then university, pursue a Bachelor's and then a Master's, Ph.D., (or) med school or something like that," said the ambitious Uthamacumaran, who was fast-tracked four years ago when he sent dozens of e-mails to professors about his passion for science.

The only one who wanted to speak with him was Dr. Phil Gold, a pioneer cancer researcher who has committed his career to improving patient care through the development of groundbreaking therapies.

"After about 10 minutes, it became quite obvious he wasn't off the wall at all, but he was a very bright guy," said Dr. Gold, who said the young man is a unique young student. "From my vantage point, he's like the big bang. He's a singularity."

Gold, who was the first director of the McGill Cancer Centre, now serves as executive director of the Clinical Research Centre of the Research Institute of the MUHC, and is a montor to Uthamacumaran.

After being mentored by the leading scientist, McGill agreed to waive the Cegep prerequisite and enrolled Uthamacumaran.

The accomplishment was recognized Thursday by the staff and students at his former high school with an honorary doctorate of science from the English Montreal School Board and Marymount Academy.

Abi, as he is known, spoke humbly to students at his alma mater Thursday.

"I'm no different than anybody in this room. We're all just at the same level," he told them, serving as inspiration for some other young minds.

"I see him, the way how he's achieved his goal, and he's continuing to strive to reach higher. It makes me feel like I can do the same," said Krystopher Collymore, a student at Marymount Academy.

Uthamacumaran said he believes when you put your mind to it, there's nothing that can't be done.

"We say the sky's the limit, but there is no limit to the sky," he said. "The sky just extends forever."

The Australian Tamil community says

The Australian Tamil community says it feels betrayed by the Federal Government's decision to stop a war crimes case against the Sri Lankan president proceeding in Australia.
Tamil man Jegan Waran, 63, has filed charges in the Melbourne Magistrates Court against Mahinda Rajapakse, who is in Perth for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).
Attorney-General Robert McClelland's permission is required for the proceedings to go ahead, but he has ruled it out.
Mr McClelland says the president is legally entitled to diplomatic immunity.
Australian Tamil Congress national spokeswoman Sam Pari says the decision is disappointing.
"We actually have a magistrate who has set a date for the hearing and to think that the Australian legal system will allow this to take place but for a politician to then say that these proceedings can't go forward is very, very disappointing," she said.
"We also feel quite betrayed as well. We have an eyewitness who has found the courage to step forward."
Former Australian diplomat Bruce Haigh says Mr McClelland is wrong to claim he would have breached international law if he allowed a war crimes case against the Sri Lankan president to proceed in Australia.
Mr Haigh says it is clear Mr McClelland's decision has been purely based on politics.
"He doesn't want to do anything that would upset the apple cart as far as CHOGM's concerned," he said.
"But in terms of international law and in terms of Australian law, no, he would not be in breach.
"He hasn't looked at the law but he's reacted politically to the situation because it's CHOGM."
He says CHOGM should be a time to discuss human rights issues.
Jegan Waran, who lives in Sydney, was working as a volunteer in Tamil-held areas, and says Sri Lankan armed forces deliberately attacked clearly marked civilian infrastructure such as hospitals.
"Patients were killed, and patients who were in the hospital were killed, and there were other patients waiting for treatment - they were killed," he told Lateline on Monday night.
"There was a medical store where they kept the medicines. Those were destroyed - scattered all over the place you can see. Ambulances were destroyed. So I have seen that personally."
Sri Lanka's government has repeatedly denied allegations of war crimes.
The Sri Lankan High Commissioner to Australia, Thisara Samarasinghe, declined Lateline's request for an interview, but told 7.30 last week when he was accused of war crimes the allegations are completely without substance.
"I would categorically say it is not the learning of Sri Lankan military to fire at a hospital. That has never happened in our military," he said.
He says by defeating the Tamil Tigers, or LTTE, the Sri Lankan military in fact saved Tamil civilians.
"My most important achievement in the military was saving these civilians who were under the clutches of terrorists. So there is no base logic to target civilians. I reject that," he said.
Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser is attending CHOGM in Perth, and believes the Federal Government has failed to take a strong enough stance against alleged human rights abuses on both sides of the conflict in Sri Lanka.
"To this point I think we've got one leg each side of a barbed wire fence. That's a rather uncomfortable position to be in you've ever tried it," he said.
When he was prime minister, Malcolm Fraser used CHOGM to push for Rhodesia's independence as Zimbabwe.
"If I single out Robert Mugabe for a particularly warm welcome, it's because his presence here is a tangible reminder of the effectiveness of the modern Commonwealth," Mr Fraser said at the time.
Some things do not work out as planned, but Mr Fraser still believes the Commonwealth forum can and must be used for change.
"People forget that at the time it was hailed as a success; for over 10 years Mugabe governed reasonably, and it was only after that that there has been a steady and terrible decline with atrocities and brutality and thuggery taking over," he said.
"So the Commonwealth has, in the past, done substantial things, and it can do it again.
"I do believe there needs to be a fuller and better inquiry into actions of the government and of the Tamils, because the reports that have come out from not only the UN Human Rights Commission but also from the International Crisis Group suggests that there have been major atrocities by both sides in this conflict."
Mr Fraser says stronger action needs to be taken, but he doesn't think suspending Sri Lanka from the Commonwealth is the answer.
"Under current circumstances, holding the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka in two years' time is quite inappropriate," he said.
"I wouldn't rub Sri Lanka out. I'd say postpone it if other business has to be cleared up first. And we might need more time to do that.".

Sri Lanka documentary cleared by Ofcom

Controversial film that featured graphic footage of alleged war crimes did not breach broadcasting code, rules regulator Channel 4's controversial documentary Sri Lanka's Killing Fields, which featured graphic footage of alleged war crimes, has been cleared of breaching the broadcasting code.

Ofcom said images featured in the documentary, broadcast in June, "whilst brutal and shocking", did not exceed what the Channel 4 audience would have expected, given the pre-transmission warning about the nature of the content and the programme's scheduling at 11.05pm, well after the 9pm watershed.

The media regulator received 118 complaints about the documentary, about issues including impartiality, offensiveness and the broadcast of misleading material, but concluded it had not breached the broadcasting code on any of these counts.

Sri Lanka's Killing Fields, which focused on a UN investigation into alleged war crimes during the final weeks of the country's civil war, included a number of images of murdered and tortured bodies, and also of partially clothed women who, it was suggested in the documentary, had been sexually abused prior to their death.

The documentary featured mobile phone footage, photographs and eyewitness accounts gathered by programme-maker ITN Productions.

The regulator said: "Channel 4 has a unique public service remit to provide programming that is challenging, diverse and likely to provoke debate. Consequently, the broadcaster has a history of broadcasting very challenging material from war zones (including graphic footage) and seeking out the voices and views of those who may not be represented.

"The images included in this programme, whilst brutal and shocking, would not have exceeded the expectations of the audience for this Channel 4 documentary scheduled well after the watershed with very clear warnings about the nature of the content."

On the question of impartiality, Ofcom noted that Channel 4 had put all the significant allegations included in the documentary to the Sri Lankan government and broadcast the limited statement that was provided.

The documentary also included previous Sri Lankan government statements relating to the final stages of the civil war against the Tamil Tigers, including a clip of an official claiming that the first video of an alleged execution shown in the programme was a fake.

Ofcom also said the documentary was only required to maintain due impartiality on its specific subject – the government offensive against the Tamil Tigers in the final stages of the war – and not the conflict as a whole.

"Ofcom therefore concluded that overall Channel 4 preserved due impartiality in its examination of the Sri Lankan government's actions and policies during its offensive and there was no breach of [the broadcasting code]," Ofcom concluded.

In response to complaints that the programme was misleading, Ofcom said Channel 4 had taken reasonable steps to establish that the material included in Sri Lanka's Killing Fields was not faked or manipulated, and had not materially misled viewers in the way it was presented on air.
SEE video
Last week Dorothy Byrne, the Channel 4 head of news and current affairs, told the Lords communications committee that programmes such as Sri Lanka's Killing Fields faced PR pressure from the Sri Lankan government.

She said a demonstration held outside the Channel 4 headquarters in London was organised by the Sri Lankan ministry of defence.

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TV channel in Sri Lanka to popularise the Chinese language

China is hoping to establish Confucius Centres and a TV channel in Sri Lanka to popularise the Chinese language and telecast educational programmes, train teachers and school principals, an Education Ministry spokesman said yesterday.
The move comes after Education Minister Bandula Gunawardene had several rounds of talks with his Chinese counterpart Yuan Guiren and Deputy Minster Hao Ping during Mr. Gunawardene’s recent visit to China.
He pledged to increase the number of scholarships offered to Sri Lankan students by the Chinese government.

Channel 4 had to face an organized campaign against it originating from the Sri Lankan ministry

Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields broadcast by Channel 4 had to face an organized campaign against it originating from the Sri Lankan ministry of defence, said British Channel 4 head of news and current affairs Dorothy Byrne testifying before the Communications Committee of the House of Lords of the British Parliament Tuesday. Citing the example, she warned the committee on the plight of international media’s investigative journalism facing increasingly sophisticated and orchestrated campaigns by hired PR companies and lobbying groups. Inappropriate Sri Lanka connections of the British defence secretary Dr. Liam Fox made him to resign this month. One of his connections was with Bell Pottinger, a PR company hired by Sri Lanka until recently.

Speaking to the Lords communications committee on the impact of PR companies on television current affairs, Ms. Byrne said that this was something "not just us but the whole of society needs to be aware of," The Guardian reported Wednesday.

The Lords committee was holding an inquiry into the future of investigative journalism.

Commenting, Tamil diaspora activists in London said that what was known on the international operations of Sri Lanka’s State terrorism is only a tip of the iceberg.

“We have friends,” Mahinda Rajapaksa said when the UN panel report on Sri Lanka’s war crimes advocated international investigations.

What is the ultimate source of funds and strength for Sri Lanka to unashamedly uphold genocide as a justifiable international paradigm to answer a national question and unabatedly continue structural genocide after the war, has to be investigated and brought to light by international media seeking justice to human civilisation, the diaspora activists said.

On the question of Eezham Tamils, the international media for long failed to differentiate and justify the spontaneous voice of the people long suffering State genocide from the deceptive campaign orchestrated by not only Genocidal Sri Lanka but also by a group of over 30 abetting Establishments.

The international media now needs a focussed political and ideological orientation to compensate and to eliminate the Frankenstein Monster, the diaspora activists further said.

* * *

An interesting but dangerous reality revealed through the testimonies of Channel 4’s Byrne and Panorama’s John Ware to the Lords committee was that countering the malicious and orchestrated campaigns were costlier to investigative journalism than researching on truth or even choosing not to tell the truth.

According to John Ware, the cost of dealing with a concerted campaign of complaints about a recent edition of BBC1's Panorama was more than it cost to make the programme itself.

"A recent Panorama was cleared in almost every respect save for some minor matters. I'm pretty sure the bill for that was significantly more than the actual transmission itself," he said, adding:

"That's fine – it's a public service broadcaster – but what I'm saying is there aren't the funds, the resources, to deal with the aftercare and the aftercare is getting greater because of the lobby groups."

"I hope we are still pretty rigorous in facing it off where it needs to be faced off. But there is an increasing amount of spin, PR, and people who are very clever at … stopping us putting material out," John ware revealed the realities.

Talking on the point, Byrne said: "If we are doing a really big investigation that could take six months to a year … We have to be ready that we could be living with an investigation for a year after it has gone out.”

"Stories have appeared, for example, about our Sri Lankan investigation all over the world in a highly organised way," she told the committee.

"They appear to be normal stories and they are not – they are obviously coming from somewhere. Demonstrations have taken place in the street – there was one outside Channel 4 – and this demonstration had been organised by the Sri Lankan ministry of defence," she further said.

BBC or any other international media were neither moved by genuine and spontaneous demonstrations of the affected people nor were put into ‘cost’ concerns when they were silent on the genocide while it was taking place.

But now, when they choose to reveal a little of the genocidal phenomenon in the island the cost of facing Establishment’s orchestrated opposition is higher than researching and telling the truth. This is the real danger journalism face today.

Mr.bean a la piscine !


Sri Lankan president under investigation !

Sri Lanka’s envoy to Australia Wednesday said a dossier alleging war crimes during the dying days of his country’s civil war only served to fuel the agenda of “vested interests”.
Thisara Samarasinghe, who was a commander in the Sri Lankan navy during the conflict which ended in 2009, said the report now in the hands of the Australian Federal Police would not harm relations between the countries.
But quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald, the high commissioner (ambassador) asked: “For whose purpose are they doing this? Are the poor Tamil people in the north (of Sri Lanka) getting any benefit from this?
“I don’t know what the agenda of these people is. These types of things give oxygen to people who have a vested interest.”
The dossier, prepared by the International Commission of Jurists’ Australian chapter, contains testimony from Sri Lankans now living in Australia that they were attacked by government forces during the war.
The body said the evidence was initially collected for an independent war crimes tribunal but it was passed onto the Australian Federal Police because one had not been established.
Australia can prosecute serious war crimes offences, where Australia has custody of a person and where immunity does not apply, according to the ICJ.
The dossier comes as Australia prepares to host a Commonwealth leaders’ summit later this month which Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse is expected to attend.
Sri Lanka has persistently denied that its troops committed any war crimes while battling the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, who were crushed in an offensive that ended in May 2009, bringing the 26-year conflict to a close.

United States government had invited a Tamil political party

The Tamil National Alliance will be sending a four-member delegation to Washington on October 25th to meet with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other State Department officials for talks, following an invitation from the US government, according to the Sunday Times.
The Tamil delegation has also reportedly planned to meet with US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake, who visited Sri Lanka and met with the TNA last month. During his visit Blake reiterated the “need for a credible process of accountability” and expressed concern about human rights and paramilitary forces on the island.
Reported to be discussed during the meetings with the US officials is the issue of the TNA’s talks with the government, which were stalled after government officials were reported to be too busy with campaigning for local elections.
Suresh Premachandran of the TNA said,
“We are disappointed that the talks are getting delayed.”
“They (government) postponed the talks after a date had been set but they have not yet given us a new date so we are still waiting,”
Premachandran also stated that this was the first time that the United States government had invited a Tamil political party from Sri Lanka to visit Washington for talks.

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US Court grants permission to serve summons on Rajapakse via Tamilnet

“The District Court’s order authorizing service of the Torture Victims Protection Act Complaint and Summons on Sri Lanka's President Rajapaksa via newspaper publication and posting on TamilNet marks a legal milestone in achieving accountability for the gruesome extra-judicial killings of innocent civilians ordered or condoned by the highest officials of the Sri Lankan government during the ethnic civil war.

"After service is effectuated, President Rajapaksa will be compelled to respond to the Complaint’s accusations in a court of law uncompromised by partisan politics. It can be expected that President Rajapaksa will retain an army of luxury-priced lawyers to defend him, who will attempt to throw technical legal obstacles to thwart justice.

"We urgently need all available financial and moral support to achieve victory not only for the three named Plaintiffs, but for all the victims of President Rajapaksa’s atrocities. A judgment in our favor in this case would set a precedent that would underwrite copy-cat TVPA suits by other victims of Rajapaksa endorsed or sponsored extra-judicial killings or torture.”

Killing Fields" to be screened at EU Parliament

Three international Human Rights watchdogs, Amnesty International, International Crisis Group (ICG), and Human Rights Watch (HRW) are jointly organizing the screening of Channel-4 documentary "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields," at the European Union Parliament Wednesday (12th), invitation sent to decision makers said. The documentary has been shown at the legislative bodies of western capitals including Washington, Ottawa, London, Wellington (NZ), and Oslo, and United Nations in Geneva and New York, and has triggered calls for international investigation on war crimes in Sri Lanka.

"Commissioned and first aired by British broadcaster Channel 4 Television in June, "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" features devastating video evidence of apparent war crimes, crimes against humanity committed by Sri Lanka Government forces and the LTTE, the invite said.

"The documentary provides powerful evidence - including photographic stills, official Sri Lankan army video footage and satellite imagery - that contradicts Sri Lanka Government claims of a policy of 'Zero Civilian Casualties.'

waiting and waiting 
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon ????

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon “waiting and waiting” for response from Sri Lankan Government on Human Rights Accountability in Sri Lanka. 
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon took a harsh tone Monday towards the Sri Lankan Government, describing that he has been, “waiting and waiting” for a positive response to recommendations made by his Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka. His remarks were made in an exclusive press meeting with Norwegian Foreign Media on 10 October.
The Secretary General is in Oslo where he attended the International Climate and Energy Summit that opens on Monday, hosted by the Norwegian Government.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke about Sri Lanka during the Press Conference. 

The Secretary-General stated, “On Sri Lankan issues as you remember, I have established a Panel Of Experts and they have reviewed all these situations and made many recommendations.

These recommendations are something which needs to be implemented by the Sri Lankan people. I have been waiting and waiting until the Sri Lankan government would respond, positively, to the implementation of recommendation done by Panel of Experts.
Just a couple of weeks ago I decided to refer this report to the Human Rights Council and my High Commissioner for Human Rights and they are now reviewing this Panel of Experts Report. 

I met the President Rajapaksa just two weeks ago on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly and we discussed this matter. He assured me that he would do his best to ensure the cof all his Tamil People be protected and promoted and also would do all domestic measures to see that justice prevailed.”

Hand magic !!!!!!


Sint Pancratiusbasiliek te Tubbergen.

De verschillende foto's geven een beeld van onze basiliek in de 16e eeuw en van het interieur van de huidige basiliek, met de bekende Nicolas ramen !
Geschiedenis van de
Sint Pancratiusbasiliek te Tubbergen. 

De kapel in Tubbergen was gewijd aan de Heilige Pancratius.
Deze was onder keizer Diocletianus als martelaar gestorven, en begraven aan de Via Aurelia buiten Rome. Volgens de legende zou bij afkomstig zijn uit Frygië in Klein-Azië en zou hij op veertienjarige leeftijd zijn gestorven. Hij geldt als patroon van trouw aan een eens gegeven woord.
De kapel werd bediend vanuit Ootmarsum. In de vijftiende eeuw werd de kapel vergroot tot een eenbeukig kerkje en in het begin van de zestiende eeuw werd de toren gebouwd. Deze, opgetrokken in Bentheimer zandsteen, staat er nog steeds.
Op 12 maart 1576 werd Tubbergen, kerkelijk gezien, van Ootmarsum gescheiden en werd hier een zelfstandige parochie opgericht. 
Toen in 1597 prins Maurits Oldenzaal, het bolwerk van de Spaansen in het oosten van het land, binnentrok kon de reformatie in Twente ingang vinden.
Pastoor Schildhuis van Tubbergen bleef echter het oude geloof trouw.
Hij stierf in 1610. Tussen 1605 en 1626 was Oldenzaal weer in Spaanse handen. Daarna werden de Spanjaarden voorgoed verdreven en kon gewerkt worden aan
de protestantisering van Twente.
In 1634 werd een predikant in Tubbergen benoemd.
De kerk werd voor katholiek gebruik gesloten.
Dat Twente toch voor een deel katholiek is gebleven, is te danken aan het feit dat Oldenzaal twintig jaar in Spaanse handen is geweest. In die jaren kon hier de katholieke contra-reformatie krachtig ter hand worden genomen.
Na deze Spaanse jaren raakten de katholieken hun kerkgebouwen kwijt en waren ze genoodzaakt in boerenschuren of adellijke erven bijeen te komen.
Wanneer dit voor de katholieken van Tubbergen te gevaarlijk was trok men over de nabijgelegen landsgrens of kwam men samen onder de eeuwenoude Kroezeboom in Tubbergen. In de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw braken voor de katholieken betere tijden aan. In 1762 werd het pastoor Henficus Bloemen (1758-1806) vergund aan de westzijde van het dorp een kerkhuis te bouwen. In 1809 bracht Lodewijk Napoleon, Koning van Holland (1806-1810), een bezoek aan Twente en logeerde hij bij de graaf Van Rechteren op het kasteel van Almelo. Daar ontving hij pastoor Johannes van Weersel (1806-1824). Hij nam kennis van het feit dat Tubbergen grotendeels katholiek was gebleven (duizend katholieken tegen 68 protestanten). In hetzelfde jaar 1809 werd de oude kerk weer aan de katholieken teruggegeven. 

De Hervormden bouwden in 1810 een eigen kerkje, dat in 1931 werd vergroot.
Hier bevindt zich nu de laat-gotische zandstenen preekstoel uit de oude kerk.
Bij de plechtige ingebruikneming van de oude kerk hield pastoor Van Weersel een preek naar de woorden uit de Apokalyps: 'En ik zag de heilige Stad, het nieuwe Jeruzalem, van God uit de hemel neerdalen'.
Aangezien een handvol protestantse gezinnen niet in staat was geweest om voor het benodigde onderhoud te zorgen was de oude kerk bijna twee eeuwen lang zeer verwaarloosd. In 1826 begon men met de noodzakelijke restauratie van het kerkschip. In 1827 en 1828 werden twee klokken in de toren - die in 1798 eigendom van de gemeente was geworden - geplaatst. De bouwvallige torenspits heeft haar bestaan tot 1842 weten te rekken. In dat jaar werd de toren ontdaan van zijn spits en een gedeelte van zijn bovenbouwen kwam er een korte houten spits als vervanging. In 1881 werd de kerk verrijkt met een orgel van de firma Maarschalkerweerd uit Utrecht. Dit orgel is thans nog aanwezig. In 1996 kwam de kerk in het bezit van een tweede Maarschalkerweerd-orgel, een koororgel uit 1882.
In 1893 werd voor het eerst van een nieuw te bouwen kerk gesproken. 

Drie jaar later begon men met de afbraak van de oude, bouwvallige kerk. Architect van de nieuwe kerk was Alfred Tepe. Op 30 juni 1897 werd zij plechtig in gebruik genomen. Een van de sprekers op die dag was de grote emancipator van de katholieken dr. H.J.A.M. Schaepman (1844-1903), afkomstig uit Tubbergen en in 1927 in zijn geboorteplaats met een standbeeld geëerd. Het brede middenschip van de nieuwe kerk wordt geflankeerd door smallere, doch even hoge zijbeuken. Het schip bestaat uit drie traveeën. Bij de derde travee buigen de buitenmuren uit, zodat een soort transept ontstaat. De kruisgewelven worden gedragen door ronde kolommen. Aan  kolommen. van de toren bevindt zich een zijkapel. 


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Sri Lankan government has refused to accept US court order

The Sri Lankan government has refused to accept summons issued by a US court against president Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is covered by the ‘Hague Service’ international agreement on heads of state, ‘Divaina’ reports.
The newspaper says the Sri Lankan Justice Ministry has intimated about the decision to the US authorities.
The accusation by LTTE leader Ramesh’s wife Vathsala Devi is about an alleged matter in Sri Lanka, which is beyond the jurisdiction of the US judiciary, said the government.
The government has added that the US summons was a violation of Sri Lanka’s sovereignty.

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