Sri Lanka: The Road to Reconciliation


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Fonseka sentenced to three years

The three-member trial-at-bar of the Colombo High Court that heard the controversial 'White Flag' case against the former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka, Friday (18) found him guilty of the charges and sentenced to 3 years in prison.
The Colombo High Court trial-at-bar comprising judges Deepali Wijesundera, W.M.P.B. Warawewa and M. Zurfick Razeen delivered the verdict.
The former Army Commander was accused of three counts including inciting violence, in an interview given to the English weekly Sunday Leader, alleging that Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa had ordered to shoot the Tamil Tiger cadres surrendering with white flags during the final stages of the war.
However, the verdict was divided 2 to 1 with judges Wijesundera and Razeen finding him guilty only of the first charge of inciting violence while Justice Warawewa found the former commander not guilty of all three charges. The trial lasted 16 months.
The judges have sentenced the former Army Chief to three years in prison and fined Rs.5,000.
The Police have increased security with hundreds of armed police guarding the complex ahead of the delivery of the verdict and placed additional barricades around the court complex in Hulftsdorp, Colombo.
Fonseka, who contested the presidential elections in January 2010 as the common opposition candidate, is currently serving a 30-month prison term imposed by a court martial last year after finding him guilty of four charges related to alleged irregularities in military procurements during his tenure as Army Chief.
Another court martial earlier delivered an order sentencing the former General for a dishonorable discharge from rank for engaging in politics while being in active service. The retired military chief was stripped of his ranks and medals he earned during his 40-year carrier.


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SL winning was Norway failing: Norway report team leader

While releasing the evaluation report on Norway’s failed peace process in Sri Lanka on Friday, the team leader of the evaluation panel, Gunnar M. Sørbø, outlining the main findings of the report said “The collapse of talks and the subsequent military victory were as much a story of the LTTE ‘losing’, as of the government ‘winning’, or the Norwegians ‘failing’.
The social anthropologist also came out with a profound reality the nation of Eezham Tamils were encountering for ages but hardly realized by the outsiders, when he said that apart from the other factors that failed the peace facilitation, “there were also patterns and structures and some of them were ‘old tricks in the Sri Lankan book’, so there was no excuse for not anticipating them, or for lacking a strategy to deal with them.”
“I think there is a difference though between the unfolding of unpredictable events that could not be foreseen, and, on the other hand, long-term features of the Sri Lankan political system, or the economy, or the role of NGOs in Sri Lankan society, for example, where knowledge is and was available and where we would expect that a facilitator or anybody else intervening in Sri Lankan affairs would command such knowledge as the basis for making hopefully sound judgments,” Sørbø said.

He was arguing in favour of Norway withdrawing from the peace process at an earlier stage.
“Norwegian withdrawal as official facilitator would not have changed events in any major way. But it would have clarified the situation and sent a clear signal to domestic and international parties,” he said.

Sørbø cited a statement of Erik Solheim that was not followed in practice.

In April 2001, Erik Solheim pronounced that “If one day we become convinced that one side or both are not serious and only use our efforts as a cover for fooling the world, we will discontinue our efforts.”

Erik Solheim was the minister in charge of Sri Lanka peace process in 2009.

Sørbø said that ethical issues should have been in the forefront of a Norwegian discussion on withdrawal, as peace efforts are about life and death.

“The Ministry has communicated to us that such issues were indeed on the table continuously, but this is not much reflected in the (rich) archives nor from the interviews we held,” the evaluation team leader said.

Mr. Erik Solheim has also often gone on record in the post-war times in saying that there was a political solution on the table but the LTTE missed it.

Explaining the title of the report, “Pawns of Peace,” which paints a picture of Norway as a victim, Sørbø said the metaphor of the chess piece could be interpreted in two ways: first that external interveners are never neutral referees but active players in a peace process and second, pawns tend to be minor (rather than game changing players), but they can also become significant players at certain moments in the game, when power is evenly balanced – they can tip the game in one direction or another.

“Another meaning of the term is someone being used to further the purposes of others,” Sørbø said.

Earlier in his speech, Sørbø said, “Norway became increasingly exposed, used as a pawn in domestic politics but also by external players who found it convenient for Norway to continue its role while silently accepting that the Sri Lankan government pursued “war for peace”.

Sørbø concluded saying, “peace must be made primarily by domestic actors who take the risks and bear the costs of peacemaking.”

Is it a new strategy for washing hands of the responsibilities to Eezham Tamils victimized by Norway’s peace facilitation, for normalizing relationship with genocidal Sri Lanka and for providing silent abetment to Sri Lanka’s furtherance of structural genocide or is it a naive way of accepting the fact that ‘peace’ in united Sri Lanka is not possible, wonder Eezham Tamils

India LIke LTTE 'put in its place' : Norway report

Even as it publicly advocated peace when the Sri Lankan conflict was raging, India quietly informed Norway that the LTTE must be 'put in its place', reveals a Norwegian government sponsored study on why the peace process failed in the island nation.
The exhaustive document, released here on Friday, shows that New Delhi's sympathy lay with Colombo vis-a-vis the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam as the peace process began to slowly unravel from 2003-04.
After the Congress returned to power in 2004, New Delhi kept calling for the accommodation of 'Tamil aspirations' but did not apply any pressure on the Mahinda Rajapaksa government over its military option, it said.
"India criticises Norway in private meetings for being too 'LTTE friendly' and underlines the need to 'put the LTTE in its place'," said the 202-page report, based on archival material in the Norwegian foreign ministry as well as interviews with key players and personalities.
"India provides radar and intelligence information to the Sri Lankan forces. Delhi maintains it will not provide offensive military assets but it does not object to Sri Lanka purchasing weaponry elsewhere...
"Most importantly, Indian opposition to the LTTE starts to translate into firmer backing for the Sri Lankan government."
India outlawed the LTTE in 1992, a year after a Tiger suicide bomber assassinated former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi. In a dramatic turn of events, his widow Sonia became India's most powerful figure when the Congress returned to power in 2004.
Although the document, titled "Pawns of Peace", is an evaluation of the Norwegian peace efforts in Sri Lanka from 1997 to 2009, when the LTTE was vanquished, there are repeated references to India, which many viewed as the most important foreign player in Sri Lanka.
Norway helped the LTTE - which was fighting for a Tamil homeland - and the Sri Lankan government to sign a ceasefire agreement (CFA) in February 2002 with a view to ending the country's protracted ethnic conflict.
But after a limited period of peace, the situation slowly returned to square one, particularly after the LTTE split in April 2004 and President Rajapaksa took power in November 2005 promising to tame the Tigers.
In May 2009, the Colombo militarily crushed the LTTE, the last stages of the war leaving thousands of combatants and civilians dead. By then, Sri Lanka had terminated Norway's role as facilitator in the peace process.
The reports says that even as New Delhi made "some pleas for limiting civilian casualties (towards the end of 2008), the Indian government makes it very clear that it supports a continuation of the (military) offensive and the defeat of the LTTE".
Referring to the LTTE's last days, the report said: "As the net around the insurgents closes, LTTE surrender becomes a less and less attractive option for Colombo. It is also doubtful (if) India has any interest in the LTTE surviving the end of the war."
May 2009, when the entire LTTE leadership including its founder chief Velupillai Prabhakaran was wiped out, also coincided with the last round of Indian elections that saw the Congress retain power.
The report says that Sri Lanka was worried that if the Congress was voted out, 'someone will come to the insurgents' aid'.
The report says that Indian cabinet minister P. Chidambaram contacted Prabhakaran towards the end of the conflict -- it does not say how -- and suggested that 'the LTTE agree to a pre-drafted statement that they will lay down their weapons'.
But this move, it says, leaked to pro-LTTE Tamil Nadu politician Vaiko "who rejects it as a Congress trick and assures the LTTE that the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) will win the elections and come to the Tigers' rescue".
That never happened, and Prabhakaran was killed just when the Lok Sabha election results were announced in India.

Proof that a lens can be the difference between pretty and pretty ugly

Everyone has at some point had the same problem: no matter how much you try to be consistent with your camera face, some pictures look great and others look awful.
Photographer Stephen Eastwood has finally solved the mystery - showing that the difference between a good photo and instantly deleted disaster can be down to the camera lens.
To prove his point, he took a series of portraits, using the same model's facial expression and the same lighting - but each time changing the lens.
Distortion: Mr Eastwood's exercise in changing lenses shows how the same model can have the same expression in the same lighting - but have varying results
Distortion: Mr Eastwood's exercise in changing lenses shows how the same model can have the same expression in the same lighting - but have varying results
Both ends of the spectrum: Mr Eastwood says the larger lenses, in the left case a 230mm lens, will flatten and widen the face, where the 24mm distorts the same model
Both ends of the spectrum: Mr Eastwood says the larger lenses, in the left case a 230mm lens, will flatten and widen the face, where the 24mm distorts the same model
The difference is in the level at which each lens distorts the natural image, bending light so that the three-dimensional image is represented as a two-dimensional photo.
Depending on the lens' focal length, the image will deform and affect how the image looks in photos.
Mr Eastwood took the same photo using a wide range of optics, from 19mm up to 350mm. He moved the camera so that his model would be framed exactly the same way.
Self-portrait: Seven Eastwood undoubtedly got the focal distortion just right for this picture
Self-portrait: Seven Eastwood undoubtedly got the focal distortion just right for this picture
The shorter the focal length, the more field of view you can capture. That's why something like a 'fisheye' lens (15mm) distorts objects dramatically.
But Mr Eastwood's experiment showed that the distortion continued up the focal range, albeit more subtly.
And the killer is that some of these subtle distortions can make the face prettier, while others make the face - to put it bluntly - uglier.
Either way, the brain accepts the photo as the true image and we imagine we look better or worse.
A larger lens (say 350mm) will flatten and widen the face of the subject. Mr Eastwood said this could sometimes make the ears look further back - or make the nose look bigger - with tragic consequenses.
Experts say a 135mm lens would produce the best, most consistently accurate results. But even then there's an element of risk.
If nothing else, you can now give your friends a decent excuse as to why you always look bad in holiday snaps.

powers need Tamils too: Gajendrakumar

Just as Eezham Tamils need international recognition for their cause, the powers that make moves in the island for a world order also need Tamils. What the Tamil politicians should keep in mind is that there is no reason for them to compromise on the fundamentals of the cause upheld by the people, said Mr. Gajendrakumar Ponnampalam of the Tamil National Peoples Front (TNPF) in writing to Colombo-based Tamil Daily, Thinakkural, Sunday. In the changing current context, even if one of the competing powers take up the national question of Eezham Tamils as means for its leverage, the others can’t refuse it but have to follow suit. Tamil leadership shouldn’t miss the opportunity by abandoning the cause to pre-emptive tactics of any single power and thus excluding other international possibilities, he further said.

Summary of Gajendrakumar’s article translated from Tamil:

Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam
In the island and in the diaspora all over the world, severe dejection of Tamils continue over the destruction of their long struggle by forces operating from superior most planes.

When there was a need in the international community to eliminate the LTTE to facilitate its geopolitical paradigms, the SL government made use of it to destroy the armed struggle of the Tamil people.

Tamils should realise that there is a changed geopolitical reality today.

Even though the IC has supported SL in the name of ‘war against terrorism’, the actual reason was that they thought it was beneficial to their interests at that time.

Even though the Tamil people were fully behind the liberation struggle, the IC had the excuse of rejecting the LTTE, as it was not in electoral politics. In other words, when the LTTE claimed that Tamil people back nationhood, sovereignty and the right to self-determination, the IC rejected the claim citing LTTE's orientation as non-democratic.

The IC didn’t reject the fundamentals of the cause. It can never reject the freedom of expressing those fundamentals. But it can always slander a movement by saying that people don’t support the cause upheld by the movement. This is what happened to our struggle.

The hopelessness arising in many quarters is whether any democratic movement could now be successful in spearheading the cause.

But, the IC will have no excuse now if we democratically stand firm in our cause. No one could slander the cause if people vote for a polity that is true to the national cause in words and deeds.

The international orientation of our struggle has changed today. During the war the IC was projecting the Tamil side as ‘terrorists’ and the Sinhalese as victims of terrorism. But in a changed vantage the IC has now started looking at the former as victims and the latter as responsible for war crimes as well as violators of the rights of the former.

The US, India and China largely have competitive interests even though there are a few areas of consensus. All sides are keen in guiding SL government to suit their interests.

We are aware that all three of them deploy various strategies and tactics in handling SL government. Apart from economy, human rights, rule of law, media freedom, corruption-free governance etc., the ethnic question is a powerful issue to exert leverage.

The West is largely dissatisfied with Sri Lanka in the areas coming under its purview.

The competing powers may sabotage one another’s pressures in areas such as economic sanctions. But, if seriously taken up, the national question cannot find a match from the competitors.

Even if one of the competing powers take up the issue for its leverage, the others cannot find a match and they have to follow suit.

Tamils get the best of their opportunity today.

But, the danger is infirmity of Tamil polity allowing a power to pre-empt the question through wanting solutions that suits only its interests.

If one power is allowed to pre-empt the cause by a few concessions then the others will be forced to follow suit.

This is why we insist that the Tamil National Alliance should be firm and should not compromise on the fundamentals such as nation, homeland and the right to self-determination.

Tamils as a people are an important party to the international community today. It is on that basis the TNA that was elected by the Tamil people receives recognition.

Just as Tamils need international recognition to their cause, the powers engaged in the island too inevitably need Tamils. Compared to earlier situations, politically we are at our strength. This is time for us to be firm on the fundamentals of our cause. People need not feel depressed.

he United Nations Committee against Torture says that secret detention centres are in existence in Sri Lanka.

The United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) quoting human rights organisations says that secret detention centres are in existence in Sri Lanka.
The 47th Session of the CAT met in Geneva on Tuesday with the Sri Lankan Delegation where Sri Lanka's commitment to upholding rights was severely questioned.
Several committee members accused the Sri Lankan government of not providing detailed information requested in advance.
She said that the allegation on 'secret detention centres' suggests the need for an independent investigation.
"Sri Lanka Army and affiliated Para military groups have run and made possible to run secret facilities which torture and extra judicial killings, have it is claimed, perpetrated" she said.
She said that Amnesty International had cited 7 torture detention sites in northern Sri Lanka; five in Vavuniya and two in Mullaitivu.
Poonthottam Maha Vidyalaya, 211 Brigade headquarters, Vallikulam Maha Vidyalaya, the PLOTE paramilitary detention centre and Dharmapuram as five camps in Vavuniya while two camps were named from Mullaitheevu.
Miss Gaer said that there are allegedly five compounds in Dharmapuram detaining more than 700 men and women in abandoned buildings and houses, holding 80 top levels LTTE people and 300 civilian supporters.
The UN Working Group on Disappearances has identified Sri Lanka as having the second largest most number of disappearance cases in the world, she informed the session.
"While many of these cases have been clarified there are more than 5,000 that haven't been" states Miss Felice Gaer.

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Tamilen auf dem Helvetiaplatz2


Still toruting tamil by srilanka goverment !!!!!

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Mr. Seeman, was refused of landing permission in the USA

Tamil Nadu film director and leader of the Naam Thamizhar Movement that upholds the cause of Eezham Tamils, Mr. Seeman, was refused of landing permission in the USA when he went to participate in a Tamil conference organized by three US-based diaspora associations of both Tamil Nadu and Eezham Tamils. Mr. Seeman was given with a valid visa to visit the USA but was refused entry at the New York airport on Saturday. Last month, the President of the Global Tamil Forum (GTF), the diaspora-based umbrella organisation of Eezham Tamils, Rev. Fr. S J. Emmanuel, was refused entry at Chennai airport when he travelled from Europe, despite having valid multiple entry visa to India. Whether the USA and India, long known for the misuse of visa by the Establishments, cooperate or compete in capturing Tamil polity for their agendas is the emerging question.

Naam Thamizhar Seeman
Naam Thamizhar Seeman
The US Tamil conference “Thamizhar Changkamam 2011” (the Tamil confluence) on Saturday was organized by three US-based diaspora associations, World Tamil Organization, US Tamil Political Action Council (USTPAC) and Ilangkai Thamil Sangam (Sangam) at Crown Plaza in New Jersey.

The conference was scheduled to discuss, improving lives of Tamils, war crimes investigations and coordination of activities.

According to the programme of the conference, Mr. Seeman was to deliver the keynote address besides speeches by the visiting TNA parliamentarians.

Mr. Seeman was refused entry at the New York airport on Saturday early hours.
Fr. S.J. Emmanuel
Rev. Fr. S.J. Emmanuel
When asked for reasons, Mr. Seeman was told that his connections with the LTTE would be a security threat to the USA, said a press statement from Naam Thamizhar, asking why then the US embassy in India had given him the visa.

The press statement said that Mr. Seeman was invited by the World Tamil Organization and accused that the deportation was at the behest of elements working against the Tamil nation.

While selectively deport war-torn Tamils engaged in socio-political organisation, both the USA and India on the other hand competitively build their own ‘networks’ and NGO blocs among Eezham Tamils.

Meanwhile, internationally accused war criminals of Sri Lanka travel freely to both the countries.

Writing in Guardian on 30 September 2011, about States abusing visa to counter righteous struggles of peoples, Arundhati Roy said: “Our lungs are gradually being depleted of oxygen. Perhaps it's time use whatever breath remains in our bodies to say: Open the bloody gates."

In September this year, veteran US journalist and author, David Barsamian, founder and director of Alternative Radio, and a person having cultural contacts with India for well over 45 years, was refused landing permission in New Delhi. His entry was refused for reasons not revealed to him.

In last November, a US Professor of Anthropology, Richard Shapiro, who has his family in India, was stopped from entering India and he was not even replied to his queries when he could again return to India.

Arundhati Roy says Kashmir question was the reason for the refusal of entry to both the US visitors.
Arundhati Roy in UK
Arundhati Roy
The complaint against David Barasamian according to "official sources" is that he had reported on events in Jammu and Kashmir during his last visit to India and that these reports were "not based on facts," Arundhati cited Indian officials.

“Who decides which "facts" are correct and which are not? Would Barsamian have been deported if the conversations he recorded had been in praise of the impressive turnouts in Kashmir's elections, instead of about daily life in the densest military occupation in the world (an estimated 600,000 actively deployed armed personnel for a population of 10 million people),” asks Arundhati. [The intensity of SL military occupation of the country of Eezham Tamils is worse than that of Kashmir cited by Arundhati]

The deportation of Prof Shapiro “was probably a way of punishing his partner, Angana Chatterji, who is a co-convenor of the international peoples' tribunal on human rights and justice which first chronicled the existence of unmarked mass graves in Kashmir, Arundhati said.

More than 60 prominent intellectuals, academics, journalists and writers, including Prof. Noam Chomsky, who condemned the deportations in September 2011 said that “We are dismayed that this power to send people back from the airport is slowly becoming a weapon, used to discipline and silence people who draw any kind of attention to uncomfortable truths about India.”

“We demand that the right to travel and the right to free exchange of ideas between scholars, journalists, artists, and human rights defenders be respected and protected, and that government agents not authorize the denial of entry and eviction of visitors to India, or monitor their movement. Free exchange of ideas is one of the most basic human rights and values in free democratic societies. Freedom of travel is one of the most important avenues for furthering such exchange among peoples. Recognizing this, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which India has ratified, protects freedom of expression, right to travel and scientific exchange,” said the September statement of Indian academics and journalists.

Whatever said to India is also applicable to the USA, perhaps in a more underlined way, because of the latter’s international involvements.

But, what one wonders is that how many in the USA, and how many among the ‘All India’ Indians will voice against what their Establishments are doing to Eezham Tamils in intimidating and hijacking their efforts to come out from genocide and annihilation of their nation. 

Source  Tamil net  http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=34591

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Sampanthan and Fonseka :are signed Secrete agreement Wiki leaks reports

A leaked US diplomatic cable recount details of a meeting the embassy had had with Tamil National Alliance Chairman R. Sampanthan and the political situation after Sampantha’s announcement to support General Fonseka in the presidential election 2010.
The addendum promised genuine power-sharing on a basis acceptable to Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, and Burger communities and noted that power-sharing would take place both at the center in the periphery.
It noted that in the ‘North-East’ –  a term chosen to highlight the unification of the two regions, which have been de-linked under Rajapaksas – - local executive, legislative, and judicial bodies would share responsibilities with the center except in certain key areas, such as national defense, monetary policy, immigration, said the Patricia Butenis Ambassador of the United States.
“Sampanthan provided a copy of the program signed by Fonseka to Ambassador, noting that we were one of a few foreign missions to receive a copy.” the US Ambassador to Colombo wrote to Washington.

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independen​t investigat​ion in Sri Lankasell

As Canada continuously emphasizes its central pillar of the foreign policy, promote freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, in the international forums, one of the worst offenders of it, Sri Lanka continuously takes the centre stage of its criticism.
Guillermo E. Rishchynski, Canada's Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations, in a statement to the Third Committee on the promotion and protection of human rights at United Nations, on October 26, 2011, said, “Canada is also concerned that the underlying sources of conflict in Sri Lanka are not being addressed. As such, we encourage the Government of Sri Lanka to engage constructively on a process of political reconciliation and accountability.”
“We also support calls for an independent investigation into credible allegations of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights committed by both parties to the conflict in Sri Lanka, as recommended by the UN Secretary General’s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka.” He further said.
The excerpts from the statement by Canada at the United Nations as follows, The promotion and protection of human rights, a cornerstone of this organization, is a central pillar of Canada’s foreign policy. Canada stands firmly on the protection of human rights and takes principled positions on important issues to promote freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
Over the past century, the world witnessed brutal despotism, including totalitarian regimes which enslaved their own peoples. We recognize that even today, implementation of human rights remains a challenge. Yet, we are hopeful that we can find common ground in order to advance the rights and fundamental freedoms which we all hold dear.
Canada is also concerned that the underlying sources of conflict in Sri Lanka are not being addressed. As such, we encourage the Government of Sri Lanka to engage constructively on a process of political reconciliation and accountability. We also support calls for an independent investigation into credible allegations of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights committed by both parties to the conflict in Sri Lanka, as recommended by the UN Secretary General’s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka." 

father Selva destroyed in Trincomale​e

According to the sources statue of Father S.J.V.Selvanayagam located in Trincomalee district was destroyed by an unidentified group.
Sources further said group of unidentified people have destroyed the upper part of the statue.

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