The mark of the beast is here

The Mark Of The Beast Is Here
“He cause all both small and great, rich and pooer, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev. 13:16,17).
The world is being prepared to receive the antichrist and his seal. Let us be sober and watchful in prayer (1Pe. 4:7). I want to thank Irene Akouris of Chicago, USA for sending this article which appeared in the Chicago Tribune and written by Jon Van. –Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
A tiny chip implanted inside the human body to send and receive radio messages, long a popular delusion among paranoids, is likely to be marketed as a consumer item early in the next century.
Several technologies already available or under development will enable electronics firms to make implantable ID locators, say futurists, and our yearning for convenience and security makes them almost irresistible to marketers. “This is currently very hot,” said Edward Cornish president of the World Future Society, based in Bethesda, Md. “The field is developing because the technology is becoming available to do it.”
Inevitably, implantable radio locators conjure up visions of Big Brother and unscrupulous scientists abusing such technology to control the masses. But the researchers laying the foundations for this technology see their work as helping humankind, not subverting privacy. They seek to aid people using wireless phones to summon emergency help, to track soldiers who become lost on maneuvers and to enable people to get along without carrying cash by automatically crediting an account.
Animal advocates already urge pet owners to have tiny identification chips implanted in their dogs and cats so if they are lost, shelters can identify them through a national computerized database. The notion of using implantable chips to control humans isn’t entirely absent, even in these early stages of the technology’s development. Cornish noted that authorities have experimented for years with fitting convicts with electronic monitors to allow them to leave jails for limited reasons, such as work release.
Several systems already are in place with the potential to locate people using radio signals. The most obvious, called GPS, for global positioning satellites, was launched by the military years ago and has become available for civilian applications. It uses satellites to map a person’s position with great precision. Some automobiles come equipped with GPS gadgets that can give drivers their location, and boaters use similar technology. Researchers want to combine such locators with equipment that monitors a person’s health.
Engineers in Salt Lake City have designed a device intended to determine, whether someone wearing it is becoming too cold or too hot, a sign of exposure. “We want to highlight people who need attention early, when there is still time to get to them with help” said Peter Kind, a senior vice president at Sarcos Research Corp., which has developed a prototype GPS-based device that will be ready for field tests this year.
Sarcos’ initial target is the military. The body monitors and locators could transmit information about soldiers to a central location to reduce the risks while troops are on maneuvers. Civilian markers might include ill people who usually would be restricted to nursing environments, Kind said. “This could help save costs, letting people who only need observation be released earlier from the hospital without risking their health,” he said. Right now, the prototype equipment is worn on a belt, but the goal is to miniaturize it into a chip. The monitors could be worn in the area of the ear canal or elsewhere in or on the body.
Another means to track people relies upon the existing network of cellular-phone transmitters. The cellular industry and emergency-response officials have proposed standards to the Federal Communications Commission that would enable police, fire and ambulance dispatchers to find people who dial 911 from wireless phones.
At present, nearly one-quarter of the 911 emergency calls made in the U.S come from wireless phones, and half the time the callers don’t know their location, posing a major problem for emergency personnel. Developing computer systems to track locations of so many calls is a daunting task, but it is consistent with the phone industry’s goal of one day assigning phone numbers to human beings, rather than to equipment. Once the phone network becomes sophisticated enough to do this, it will smooth the way for widespread monitoring of people’s whereabouts.
Companies already market pagers for children so parents can keep it touch when youngsters are away from home. Adding the ability to pinpoint location at any time is natural extension; keeping track of the child through a chip implanted under the skin may be another. “People accept that increased communications makes life more convenient at the same time that it means there’s no hiding place anymore,” said Bernard Beck, a Northwestern University sociologist. “If I have a universal ID implanted, I can cash a check anywhere in the world. There’s no worry about credit cards being stolen. These are attractive matters.”
Implanting tracers in criminals could reduce incarceration because it would allow them to be tracked at all times. And, he added, people wearing locators would be deterred from committing crimes because of the likelihood they would be caught. But the potential loss of privacy is a huge issue. Everyone likes to drop off the screen for an hour or so now and then.
“I don’t know that we’ve wrapped our mind around being accountable minute-by-minute. The legal implications of who owns this information are major,” said Dan Polsby, a Northwestern University law professor. “It’s one thing to have my hospital monitoring my heartbeat for fibrillation, but it’s an entirely different matter to have the government monitoring my whereabouts.”
Although potential problems are huge, locator ID chips may be inevitable, said Cornish of the World Future Society. Just as many people now allow supermarket chains to keep computerized records of their individual purchases in return for price discounts, many will embrace the chips for the security and convenience they offer, Cornish said.
“We all want to walk down the street feeling safe,” he said. “This technology offers that promise along with the dilemma of lost privacy.” Cornish believers, at least initially, that such chips would be voluntary. But he acknowledges that “things that are voluntary today have a way of becoming compulsory tomorrow.”
“I was in London recently on a day when everyone on the street was wearing a red poppy. I felt conspicuous without one. I wanted one. As these chips are introduced, people will begin to assume you are locatable. It will become an issue if you aren’t,” he said.
Cornish said he sees a similar attitude already regarding e-mail addresses and pagers. “If you tell people you don’t have an e-mail address, they ask, “How can we contact you?” Some employers now require staff to wear pagers, to be locatable. Someday, they may require chips.”Thankyouhttp://www.jesusministries.org/apostolicnprophetic2.php?reloaded=true 

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High Court blocks deportation of Sri Lankan asylum seekers


Au Sri Lanka, les Églises dénoncent le « génocide en cours » des Tamouls

Lors de l’ouverture, à Genève lundi 25 février, de la 22e session de la Commission des droits de l’homme de l’ONU (qui poursuit ses travaux jusqu’au 22 mars prochain), 130 responsables des Églises catholique et protestantes du Nord et de l’Est du Sri Lanka ont demandé, dans une lettre ouverte à la Commission, d’intervenir avant « le total anéantissement du peuple tamoul », rapporte Églises d’Asie.
Cet appel intervient alors qu’un documentaire réalisé par Callum Macrae pour la télévision anglaise Channel 4, No War Zone : The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka, qui sera projeté lors de cette session apporte de nouvelles preuves, des exactions commises par l’armée sri-lankaise envers les civils pendant la dernière phase du conflit entre Colombo et les Tigres de libération de l’Eelam tamoul (LTTE).
Cette lettre ouverte des Églises chrétiennes, datée du 18 février et rendue publique, a été signée par Mgr Rayyappu Joseph, évêque de Mannar (à 300 km au nord de Colombo) ainsi que par 132 prêtres, religieux et religieuses (dont un grand nombre fait partie des Commissions Justice et Paix des diocèses catholiques de l’île) et envoyé aux Nations unies.


Elle avertit les Nations unies de « l’assassinat et la disparition de dizaines de milliers de civils tamouls, ainsi que des tentatives de destruction systématique de la culture, de la langue et de la religion des populations des régions du Nord et de l’Est de l’île, semblent avoir pour but ultime d’anéantir totalement le peuple tamoul. Les Églises demandent également à l’ONU que soit décidé « l’envoi d’une commission internationale au Sri Lanka pour enquêter sur les violations des droits de l’homme passées et présentes ».
Ce conflit, qui s’est achevé le 18 mai 2009 avec la reddition des LTTE, a provoqué la mort de milliers de civils, notamment durant l’assaut final, mais aucun bilan officiel n’a jamais été établi. Et depuis mai 2009, l’armée sri-lankaise continue de violer les droits de l’homme dans les zones tamoules.
Selon l’International Crisis Group, le gouvernement du Sri Lanka n’a conduit « aucune investigation crédible sur les soupçons de crimes de guerre, les disparitions et autres violations flagrantes des droits de l’homme ». Aucune des recommandations de la Commission nationale pour la réconciliation, pourtant sous contrôle du gouvernement Rajapaksa, n’a été respectée, et encore moins les préconisations accompagnant la résolution de l’ONU votée en mars 2012, constatent également les responsables chrétiens.
Il y a un an, Mgr Rayyappu Joseph, dont le combat en faveur des Tamouls lui vaut des menaces répétées de la part du gouvernement sri-lankais et du parti bouddhiste Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU, membre de la coalition au pouvoir), avait déjà lancé un appel pour alerter la communauté internationale. Il demandait alors à l’ONU de faire pression sur le gouvernement du président Mahinda Rajapaksa pour qu’il mette en œuvre le processus de réconciliation et accepte que soit menée une enquête indépendante et internationale sur les crimes de guerre dans le pays.
C. LE. (avec Églises d’Asie Merci  La Croix http://www.la-croix.com/Religion/Urbi-Orbi/Monde/Au-Sri-Lanka-les-Eglises-denoncent-le-genocide-en-cours-des-Tamouls-_NP_-2013-02-26-915246

Rape of Tamil Detainees


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He was talking to Jesus.

What a great true story. What a great childlike testimony the little child had. But what a rotten person the new pastor was. If only the so called pastor was more servant-like, an innocent life could not have been killed. What a great God the Lord Yeshua is for coming in person to visit the death of His little friend. Blessed be the Lord God forever and ever. FAITH IN GOD: Kindly, take time to read and to share with your friends. Once in a small farming town in Oklahoma, there lived a poor fourth grade boy named Andy who would follow this route to school everyday: He had to cross the rugged plains and a dangerous highway where vehicles recklessly drove to and fro. Once past this highway, the boy would take a short cut by passing by the Church every morning just to say hi to Jesus, and faithfully say his morning prayers. He was being watched by the pastor who always found the boy's sincerity and innocence so uplifting in the morning. "Hello Andy, How are you today", he would say greeting the child. "I'm fine Pastor Thompson, How are you" ...he would say flashing his innocent grin. Seeing the way that Andy went to school the pastor was so concerned; one day he talked to him. "From school...", he advised "do not cross the highway alone, you can pass through the Church and then I will accompany you to the other side of the road. That way I can see that you get home safe...." "Thank you Pastor..." "Why don't you go straight home ... why do you stay in this church right after school?" Andy replied, "I just want to say "Hi" to my friend, Jesus," so the pastor would leave the boy to spend time praying by himself beside the altar, but one day out of curiosity he hid behind the altar to listen to what this boy had to say. "You know my math exam was pretty bad today, but I did not cheat-although my seat mate was bullying me for notes ... you know, Dads had a bad farming season so far this year so we don't have much food, but I ate some bread and drank my water. Thank you for this! I saw a poor kitten who was hungry and I know how he feels so I gave some of my bread to him... funny but I am not that hungry... Look, this is my last pair of shoes... I may have to walk barefoot next week... you see this is about to be broken... but it is okay...at least I am still able to go to school... some say we will have a hard season this month, and some of my classmates have had to stop going to school to help with the farms ... please help them get to school again, please Jesus?... Oh, you know, Dad hit me again, it is painful, but I know this pain will pass away, at least I still have a Dad ... you want to see my bruises? I know you can heal them ... here... here and....oh ...blood. I guess you knew about this one, huh? Please don't be mad at Dad, he is just tired and worries about putting food on our table and my schooling that is why he hits me... Oh, I think I am in love... there's this pretty girl in my class, her name is Anita... do you think she will like me? Anyway, at least I know you will always like me, I don't have to be anybody just to please you, you are my very best friend! Hey your birthday is just one week from now!!! Aren't you excited? I am! Wait till you see, I have a gift for you.... but it is a surprise! I hope you will like it! Oooops, I have to go..." Then he stood up and calls out, "Pastor, I am finished talking to my friend...can you accompany me to the other side of the road now"? This routine happened everyday. Andy never failed to visit the church. Pastor Thompson shared this every Sunday to the people in his church because he had never before seen such pure faith and trust in God, and such a very positive outlook in such negative circumstances. The day before Christmas, Pastor Thompson became very ill and was sent to the hospital. The Church was left to a substitute Pastor who had little patience for children or for any interruptions in his work. He would not smile and could always find fault in what other people were doing. On Christmas Day he was in the Pastor's Study when Andy, coming from his Christmas party, playfully dashed into the church calling, "Hi Jesus!!!!!" "Who are you child and what are you doing in here", the pastor yelled out angrily. Poor Andy was so terrified. "Where's Pastor Thompson? He always helps me cross the street.... and not only that, I have to greet Jesus--it's His birthday, I have a gift right here...." Just as he was about to get the gift out of his shirt, the pastor grabbed Andy by the shoulder and pushed him out the door of the church. "I cannot be bothered right now I am preparing my sermon for the Christmas service tonight. Also, next time be more reverent when you come into the church", the man yelled as he closed the door behind Andy. So the boy had no choice but to cross the dangerous side of the road in front of the church by himself. As he crossed a fast moving bus came in. There was a blind curve. The boy was protecting his gift inside his shirt, so he was not looking. There was so little time. Andy died on the spot. As people crowded around the body of the poor, lifeless, young boy... Suddenly, out of nowhere a tall man appeared in a pure white shirt and pants, a face so mild and gentle, but with eyes full of tears... He came and carried the boy in His arms, He was crying. Curious bystanders nudged the man in white, and asked, "Excuse me sir, are you related to the child? Do you know him?" The man in white, His face mourning and in agony, answered, "He was my best friend .. " was all he said. He took the badly wrapped gift from the shirt of the lifeless boy, and placed it near his heart. He \stood up and carried the boy away and they both disappeared from sight. The crowd was curious... On New Years Eve, when Pastor Thompson returned home from the hospital he learned of the shocking news. He went to visit Andy's parents, and to ask them about the man in white he had been told about. He consulted the parents of Andy. "How did you first learn of your sons death?" "A man in white brought him here." Sobbed the mother. "What did he say?" The father answered, "He did not say anything. He was mourning. We do not know him and yet he was very lonely at our son's death, as if he knew our son very well. But there was something peaceful and unexplainable about him. He gave me my son, and then he smiled peacefully. He rubbed my son's hair away from his face and kissed him on his forehead, then he whispered something..." "What did he say?" "He said to my boy... " the father began, "Thank you for the gift... I will see you soon.. you will be with me... " The father of the boy continued, "and you know for a while, it felt so wonderful... I cried, but I do not know why.... all I know is I cried tears of joy... I could not explain it, but when that man left, something peaceful came over me, I felt a deep sense of love inside... I could not explain the joy in my heart, I know my boy is in heaven now.. but... tell me, who was this man that my son talked to everyday in your church, you should know because you are always there... except at the time of his death..." Pastor Thompson suddenly felt the tears welling in his eyes, with trembling knees, he murmured, "He was talking to Jesus..."

He just wanted to go and kill

Former President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Chandrika Kumaratunga has urged the Nigerian government to maximize all peaceful effort in addressing the Boko Haram insurgency. She gave this advice in an interview with AYO OKULAJAin Lagos, where she discouraged the use of military onslaught against the fundamentalist on the back drop of the massive civilian casualty suffered in the Sri Lankan onslaught against the Tamil Tigers rebels. She also touched a number of global issues, such as growing inequality, minority demands and inclusive policy.
Your successor, President Rajapaska, completely quelled the Tamil Tigers insurgency with a military onslaught as against your peace initiative with the rebels. How will you advise the Nigerian government to deal with the Boko Haram insurgency; dialogue or an all-out military onslaught?
The Mahinda Rajapaksa’s onslaught against the Tamil tigers is a very big issue in the international community now and the United Nations Human Right Commission (UNHRC) is still investigating it but I still believe, it could have taken a bit longer; we could have ended the war in a different war.
The Tamil people have been discriminated against for a long time and they are demanding for their rights and my government was the first to agree to their demands to give their rights, comprehensive right, a federal state and no separate country. But Rajapaska never believed in minority rights. He was the only minister in my cabinet that was against negotiations, he just wanted to go and kill them.
And now the whole world is shouting about the onslaught, the Tamil diaspora are regrouping and condemning the attack and in a few years, there can be another rebel group if the government goes on with its strategy. There was lot of things they violated in the final onslaught such as civilian human rights because the Tigers surrounded themselves by civilians. The government also used fighter jets to shoot thousands of civilians the government had instructed to gather somewhere. Those killings could have been avoided if the government had a more humanitarian approach. There was no need to kill civilians and this is what is going round and everyone is angry. If only the Tamil Tigers were destroyed no one who have being bothered because they were very vicious. They produced the largest number of suicide bombers in the world before Al-Qaeda took over.
What do you think is the best solution to insurgency?
People don’t become very violent just like that. There are very deep-rooted causes, so you have to find these causes of the conflict and then resolve those causes but when they keep on killing like Boko Haram or Tamil Tigers, then you have to find those individuals and do whatever you can with them. But the agitation will not stop until you find the root causes and like in Nigerian and Sri Lanka, the people recruited by Boko Haram are the poor and those that have suffered discrimination, so you have to first resolve the problem of poverty, bring them in, you have to include them by building an inclusive policy.
What is your take on issues of reserved seats versus the Inclusive policy?
Groups of people, whether they are women, religion or tribes who have been discriminated against for centuries, people who have been trampled upon and cannot rise up to those that have been on top, those who do not have rights and those that have disadvantaged, should be given specialty till they become equal. There should be reserved seats for tribes and communities that have suffered from various types of discrimination. Such as it is done in India for people from lower caste, where it has been very successful.
What happens when the ruling class or those favoured by the status quo fight back in this demand to share power of inclusive policy?
Such groups will or may resist, sometimes, violently. The government must have extensive awareness campaign to tell the majority people also that, unless you share the benefits of development with everyone, there is going to be so much violence and trouble and you are not going to enjoy your wealth. For example in Sri Lanka, we went around the country holding seminars and workshop on these kinds of issues.
In your lecture in Lagos, you lamented the growing rate of inequality in the world noting the poor are even getting poorer in today’s world. Do you think the capitalist system has failed the 21st century?
I admitted that some developing countries are making giant economic strides and some poor people have been moved out of economic poverty but the poor that are getting poorer are mostly people who belong to the minority community. So in countries where this happens, there is discrimination. I don’t think capitalism has failed because it is the economic system adopted all over the world since socialism failed. I was also a socialist but when I came into power, I said I was bringing capitalism with a human face. What is now wrong with today’s capitalist is that they look after only the rich and forget the poor. But if they take a little from the rich via taxation and distribute to the poor, coupled with infrastructural development and provision of education and health care to the poor, then I don’t think capitalism is bad. But capitalism has to be properly managed, governments that are managing capitalist economies have to be not corrupt, or at least there should be minimal corruption and there will be enough to go round.
Considering the growing demands of minorities and battle of inequality, should the world do away with system of dynasty which you have benefited from?
I don’t agree with family dynasty, that is why I have not brought my children into politics. My father and mother were into politics but it is not that we were the only choice. We were elected. My mother refused to come into politics after my father was assassinated. The party wanted her to come, so it was not like we were building ourselves up and wanted to remain in power. My mother later became very popular and I think she did a very good job and after her, the party needed another leader. I said I didn’t want to do politics and I was forced into it after about three years of refusing and then I said dynasty ends with me. I have thought my children that they don’t have to come into politics. I think dynastical politics is not good. It allows the family to grab everything for themselves and corruption is worse in such a system. At the moment, the current President of Sri Lanka has become very corrupt as about 2,000 members of his family are in government positions and his four brothers in the cabinet as well as their sons are in the parliament. Such a system has more disadvantages than advantages because those in power will begin to think of it as a family heirloom and they become corrupt. It is not only the family members that have experience. There are many others who have experience to govern.
Talking about assassinations and suicide bombs how was it for you to have survived a suicide bomb attack?
It was great. I don’t know how I survived but it was almost miraculous. I lost one side of my eye, I am blind in the left eye and I still have steel in my brain. 26 people died in that attack including my driver who has being with me for about 25years.
Mrs Kumaratunga was in Lagos for the annual Osigwe Anyiam Osigwe lecture series where she delivered the keynote speech on Synthesis For Nationhood: Ethnic policy and National Integration From Indigenes to Citizens.


Ps. Alwin Thomas in Prophecy 2013. Tamil and English


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