L’évangile du Royaume De Dieu

Le seigneur Jésus-Christ va revenir sur cette terre très bientôt. Il s’agit d’une promesse qu’il a faite quand il était encore sur notre terre, il y a 2000 ans (Jean 14 :1-3). Comment pouvons-nous savoir avec certitude qu’il reviendra ? Lisez les prophéties qu’il a lui-même annoncées, concernant ce qui doit se passer avant son retour. Une lecture attentive des Ecritures comparée aux évènements actuels, nous prouve que le retour du Seigneur Jésus est proche.
Destruction Du Temple
Jésus sortit du temple et, comme il s’en allait, ses disciples s’approchèrent pour lui en faire remarquer les constructions. Mais il leur dit: «Vous voyez tout cela ? Je vous le dis en vérité, il ne restera pas ici pierre sur pierre, tout sera détruit (Matt 24:1-2; Marc 13:1-2; Luc 21:5-6).Cela a été littéralement accompli dans les années 70.
 2)  Signes De La Venue
Il s’assit sur le mont des Oliviers. Les disciples vinrent en privé lui poser cette question: «Dis-nous, quand cela arrivera-t-il et quel sera le signe de ton retour et de la fin du monde ? » (Matt. 24:3; Marc 13:3-4; Luc 21:7).

3) Les Trompeurs Surgiront Jésus leur répondit: « Faites bien attention que personne ne vous égare. En effet, beaucoup viendront sous mon nom et diront:’C’est moi le Messie’, et ils tromperont beaucoup de gens (Matt 24:4-5; Marc 13:5-6; Luc 21:8).

4) Guerres Et Rumeurs De Gurrers Vous entendrez parler de guerres et de menaces de guerres : ne vous laissez pas effrayer, car il faut que toutes ces choses arrivent. Cependant, ce ne sera pas encore la fin (Matt 24:6; Marc 13:7; Luc 21:9).

5) Guerres Ethniques | Tremblements De Terre | Famines | Maladies Une nation se dressera contre une nation et un royaume contre un royaume, et il y aura en divers endroits des famines, [des pestes] et des tremblements de terre (Matt 24:7; Marc 13:8; Luc 21:9).

6) Tout cela sera le commencement des douleurs (Matt 24:8; Marc 13:8).

7) Persécutions Pour Les         ChrétiensFaites attention à vous-mêmes. On vous livrera aux tribunaux et vous serez battus dans les synagogues; vous comparaîtrez devant des gouverneurs et devant des rois à cause de moi pour leur apporter votre témoignage (Matt 24:9; Marc 13:9; Luc 21:12-13).

8) Quand on vous emmènera pour vous faire arrêter, ne vous inquiétez pas d'avance de ce que vous direz, mais dites ce qui vous sera donné au moment même. En effet, ce n'est pas vous qui parlerez, mais l'Esprit saint (Marc 13:11; Luc 21:14-15).

9) Trahisons Dans Les Familles Vous serez trahis même par vos parents, par vos frères, par vos proches et par vos amis, et l’on fera mourir plusieurs d'entre vous. Vous serez détestés de tous à cause de mon nom, mais pas un seul cheveu de votre tête ne sera perdu. Par votre persévérance vous sauverez votre âme (Matt 24:9-10; Marc 13:12-13; Luc 21:16-19).

10) L’amour Se Refroidira À cause de la progression du mal, l'amour du plus grand nombre se refroidira, mais celui qui persévérera jusqu'à la fin sera sauvé

11) Cette Bonne Nouvelle Du Royaume sera proclamée dans le monde entier pour servir de témoignage à toutes les nations. Alors viendra la fin (Matt 24:14; Marc 13:10).

12) L’abominable Dévastation De Jérusalem Lorsque vous verrez Jérusalem encerclée par des armées, sachez que sa destruction est proche (Luc 21:20). C'est pourquoi, lorsque vous verrez l'abominable dévastation dont a parlé le prophète Daniel établie dans le lieu saint – que celui qui lit fasse attention! – Alors, que ceux qui seront en Judée s'enfuient dans les montagnes, que ceux qui seront à l'intérieur de Jérusalem en sortent et que ceux qui seront dans les champs n'entrent pas dans la ville, que celui qui sera sur le toit ne descende pas pour prendre ce qui est dans sa maison, et que celui qui sera dans les champs ne retourne pas en arrière pour prendre son manteau (Matt 24:15-18; Marc 13:14-16; Luc 17:31; 21:21). Malheur aux femmes qui seront enceintes et à celles qui allaiteront durant ces jours-là! Priez pour que votre fuite n'arrive pas en hiver, ni un jour de sabbat (Matt 24:19-20; Marc 13:17-18; Luc 21:23). Ils tomberont sous le tranchant de l'épée, ils seront emmenés prisonniers dans toutes les nations et Jérusalem sera piétinée par des non- Juifs jusqu'à ce que la période accordée aux nations prenne fin (Luc 21:24).

13) Temps Des Troubles De Jacob (Jer 30 :6- 7) Car alors la détresse sera si grande qu'il n'y en a pas eu de pareille depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'à présent et qu'il n'y en aura jamais plus. Et si ces jours n'étaient pas abrégés, personne ne serait sauvé; mais à cause de ceux qui ont été choisis, ces jours seront abrégés (Matt 24:21-22; Marc 13:19-20; Luc 21:23) car ce seront des jours de vengeance, où s’accomplira tout ce quiest écrit (Luc 21:22).

14) Faux Christs Et Faux Prophètes Si quelqu'un vous dit alors: ‘Le Messie est ici’ ou: ‘Il est là’, ne le croyez pas, car de prétendus messies et de prétendus prophètes surgiront; ils feront des prodiges et des signes miraculeux pour tromper, si c'était possible, [même] ceux qui ont été choisis. Soyez sur vos gardes: je vous ai tout annoncé d'avance (Matt 24:23-24; Marc 13:21-23). Si donc on vous dit: ‘Le voici, il est dans le désert’, n'y allez pas, ou: ‘Le voilà, il est dans un lieu secret’, ne le croyez pas. En effet, tout comme l'éclair part de l'est et apparaît jusqu'à l’ouest, ainsi sera le retour du Fils de l'homme (Matt 24:26-27; Luc 17:23-24).

15) Signes Dans Le CielAussitôt après ces jours de détresse, le soleil s'obscurcira, la lune ne donnera plus sa lumière, les étoiles tomberont du ciel et les puissances célestes seront ébranlées (Matt 24:29; Marc 13:24-25; Luc 21:25). Il y aura des signes dans le soleil, dans la lune et dans les étoiles. Et sur la terre, les nations seront dans l'angoisse, épouvantées par le bruit de la mer et des vagues. Des hommes rendront l’âme de terreur dans l'attente de ce qui surviendra sur la terre, car les puissances célestes seront ébranlées (Luc 21:25-26).

16) Alors Le Signe Du Fils De L'hommeapparaîtra dans le ciel; tous les peuples de la terre se lamenteront et ils verront le Fils de l'homme venir sur les nuées du ciel avec beaucoup de puissance et de gloire. Il enverra ses anges avec la trompette retentissante et ils rassembleront ceux qu’il a choisis des quatre
Le seigneur Jésus-Christ va revenir sur cette terre coins du monde, d'une extrémité du ciel à l'autre (Matt 24:30-31; Marc 13:26-27; Luc 21:27).

17) Quand ces événements commenceront à se produire, redressez-vous et relevez la tête, parce que votre délivrance est proche (Luc 21:28).

18) Puis il leur dit une parabole: «Regardez le figuier et tous les autres arbres. Dès qu'ils bourgeonnent, vous savez de vous-mêmes que déjà l'été est proche. De même, quand vous verrez ces choses arriver, sachez que le royaume de Dieu est proche (Matt 24:32-33; Marc 13:28-29; Luc 21:29-31). Quant au jour et à l'heure, personne ne les connaît, pas même les anges du ciel, [ni même le Fils]: mon Père seul les connaît (Matt 24:36; Marc 13:32).

19) Ce qui est arrivé à L’époque De Noé arrivera de même au retour du Fils de l'homme. En effet, dans les jours précédant le déluge, les hommes mangeaient et buvaient, se mariaient et mariaient leurs enfants, jusqu'au jour où Noé est entré dans l'arche. Ils ne se sont doutés de rien jusqu'à ce que le déluge vienne et les emporte tous. Il en ira de même au retour du Fils de l'homme (Matt 24:37-39; Luc 17:26-27).

20) Ce sera comme à L’époque De Lot: les hommes mangeaient, buvaient, achetaient, vendaient, plantaient, construisaient, mais le jour où Lot est sorti de Sodome, une pluie de feu et de soufre est tombée du ciel et les a tous fait mourir. Il en ira de même le jour où le Fils de l'homme apparaîtra (Luc 17:28- 30).

21) Souvenez-vous de la femme de Lot. Celui qui cherchera à sauver sa vie la perdra, et celui qui la perdra la conservera (Luc 17:32-33).

22 ) Je vous le dis, cette nuit-là, deux personnes seront dans un même lit: l'une sera prise et l'autre laissée; deux femmes moudront ensemble: l'une sera prise et l'autre laissée; [deux hommes seront dans un champ: l'un sera pris et l'autre laissé.]» (Matt 24:40-41; Luc 17:34-36). Les disciples lui dirent: «Où cela se passera-t-il, Seigneur?» Il répondit: «Là où sera le corps, là se rassembleront [aussi] les vautours (Matt 24:28; Luc 17:37).

23) Soyez Attentif Et En Prière! Cela se passera comme pour un homme qui part en voyage: il laisse sa maison, remet l'autorité à ses serviteurs, indique à chacun son travail et ordonne au portier de rester éveillé. Restez donc vigilants, car vous ne savez pas quand viendra le maître de la maison: le soir, ou au milieu de la nuit, ou au chant du coq, ou le matin. Qu'il ne vous trouve pas endormis quand il arrivera tout à coup! (Marc 13:34-36).

24) Vous le savez bien, si le maître de la maison savait à quelle heure de la nuit le voleur doit venir, il resterait éveillé et ne laisserait pas percer les murs de sa maison. C'est pourquoi, vous aussi, tenez-vous prêts, car le Fils de l'homme viendra à l'heure où vous n'y penserez pas (Matt 24:43-44).

25) Faites bien attention à vous-mêmes, de peur que votre cœur ne devienne insensible, au milieu des excès du manger et du boire et des soucis de la vie, et que ce Jour ne fonde sur vous à l'improviste. En effet, il s'abattra comme un piège sur tous les habitants de la terre Marc 13:33; Luc 21:34-35).

26) Restez donc en éveil, priez en tout temps, afin d'avoir la force d'échapper à tous ces événements à venir et de vous présenter debout devant le Fils de l'homme (Luc 21:36).

27) Je vous le dis en vérité, cette génération ne passera pas avant que tout cela n'arrive. Le ciel et la terre disparaîtront, mais mes paroles ne disparaîtront pas (Matt 24:34-35; Marc 13:30-31; Luc 21:32-33)
Assis sur son trône glorieux,le Grand Roi-le Seigneur Jésus-Christ revient très bientôt avec beaucoup de puissance et de gloire accompagné de ses anges et des saints.
Craignez Dieu et rendez –lui gloire, car l’heure de son jugement est venue. Adorez celui qui a fait le ciel, la terre, la mer et les sources  d’eau (Apocalypse 14 :7)


Le Royaume des Cieux s’est approché Repentez-Vous et croyez en l’évangile.

Préparez –vous à la rencontre du Seigneur votre Dieu !
L’évangile du Royaume De Dieu


Quran 5 47 Lead a Muslim to Convert from Islam to Christianity.


Merry Christmas




Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj heaven prophetic conference






The Maharishi of Kailash who has been living from 400 years(subtitles in french)

The Maharishi of  Kailash is a man who has been living from 400 years and will live till the soon return of lord Jesus Christ as revealed by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, disciple of Sadhu Sundar Singh The Maharishi of  Kailash   is a muslim

A Christian hermit 400 years old with a global prayer ministry hidden in a Himalayan cave is the stuff of fiction until we look back 2000 years. Challenging folks buried in Mosaic law, ritual, and tradition in the Jerusalem Temple complex, Jesus said: "If anyone keeps my word, he will never see death." 

I tell you the truth, some who are standing herewill not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. - Matthew 16:28
The Maharishi of Mt Kailash who has been living from 400 years by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj


Il m'a adoré beaucoup jusqu'à sa mort

L'employé d'un chrètien gabite en améreque. Il a eu une vision. Dans ce Royaume, Il y a deux  étages au dexiéme étage un homme assis sur un chaise, est servi par des anges.  Au premier étage il y a beaucoup des saints et les apotres avec jésus.
                 L'employé demande  à Jésus: qui est assis sur la chaise au deuxiéme étage.  Jésus lui dit tu ne connais pas cet homme?
Il repond à Jésus
" Non je ne le connais pas".  " Si tu le connais " Je monterai au deuxiéme étage.  Il est surpris.  "Ah oui! je le connais parce qu'il habit en face de chez moi.  Pourquoi vous le respectés autant?  Il a bu tout le temps, il s'est dragué et il a mal parlé.  Oui, je sais mais, il a changé de vie. d'accord, il y a beaucoup de saints et les apotres au premier étage. Mais, pas anges seulement des personnes habitent cet étage avec des anges. 

 Qu'est ce qu'il a fait lui pour gagner cette place ?
                    Jésus lui dit "J'ai donné cette place pour trois raison.
1) Il m'a adoré beaucoup jesqu'à sa mort. 

2) Il est allé annoncé " Le christ est messié"" pour à trois personnes.

              L'employé dit à Jésus les apotres aussi ont annoncé a beaucoup de personnes.  "Le christ est Dieu" Mais il a annoncé seulement à trois personnes pourquoi?  Jésus lui repond parce que lui je l'ai dit, tu annonceras " Je suis le seigneur" seulement à trois personnes. Donc Il l'a fait.  Jésus a dit  à l'employé "savez-vous comment il est mort ?
il repond Non
 Jésus a dit  à l'employé 
3) En amérique un jour trés froid en face de sa maison un mendiant était assis sans aucune couverture. Il a donné sa couverture au mediant et puis il est mort à froid

The word of the lord for Singapore

The word of the lord for Singapore.Woe to that nation!.The nation that has forgotten me.Its going behind its lovers a harlot.It has forgotten its calling and is drowned in its wealth and is satisfied.Not stretching out its hands to support the poor,needy and my Ministries Generously.But filling stmachs.Say ''Woe to them''I will make you fall tell them that i would cause their downfall from a high place.


There will be a flood in australia though that is natural flood

There will be a flood in australia though that is natural flood,That will be sign.That will bring aspiritual change in tha nation.The people of the land will seek the lord in a new way.they will see the spiritual realms.They will enter it.They will learn to see angles and minister unto them.Multitudes will come to witness the revival in Australia.I will come in their midst.They will serve me and see me.Little children will see me and simile at me.They will stretch out their hands and say,''Here is the lord Yeshua''Parents would set their children down and worship me.I will reveal my name to that nation.They will know me.


The abomination of desolation would increase in israel

The abomination of desolation would increase in israel.  Just as how homosexuality destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. This will also destroy Jerusaleam.  In my fury I will deliver her in the  hands her enemies.  I will punish her with whips.  Then the nominal Jews also would cry unto me.  They wil repent.  I will open up a spring in Jerusaleam.  That will bring prosperityand health of the city and the nation.The abomination of desolasion will be removed.


Floods and famine would increase in South America

South America

The continent of south America.    Floods and famine would increase.  Dangerous forest aniamals, fish in the water, would  crose their boundaries and come out and cause destructions.  There would be numbrous loss of lives.  Confusions in politics would increase.  These would be the days to search of the true God.  The words God spoke about Brazile, a country in  South America.  Changes will comepolitially there will be a benifit.  There will be growth and revival in churches.  Violence would increase.  There will be a benifit in the midst of all that violence.


Terrorism would arise in a new way in America

Woe to America.Forgetting the god that created them,The country has not only began to worship idols,but that country,which relies on sorceries,numerous sorcer risen and are deceving the people in the pretext of doning god through wise counsel and atheists would go behind them .Terrorism would arise in a new way. Just like mushroom,destruction will rise within them.Among the blacks there would be terrors,dangers and damages.Because of which their would be riolts in many places likes the domino effects.The white would be attacked,the would arise and torture the blacks,like one crushes the bed bugs.Woe unto the president ! He is wolf in a sheep's clothing.Through him,many destructive abominations would enter the nation. He will open the doors of his nation for terrorism.  In this nation, christians would be tormented.  In many churches people would backsiled.  Church leaders would hoist whited colorde flags and say,  We will  accept  and worship all religion and live in unity with  them.  In name of equality forgetting the true God.  They would  rely on the regligion of astaroth and be united.  The culture found the Sidon would once again blossom there.


Terrorism would increased in Europe

Terrorism would increased in Europe.
The orginal european citizens,would belived in deceptions and becomes terrorists. they would betray their own people.Set fire,Blast bombs and cause destruction they would also indulage in murders


Lion and Lamb Ep - 3 / Singamum Aattukuttiyum


Russia will invade America (Prophet Sundar Selvaraj)

Another prophet sees a future Russia invade a divided, corrupt and immoral USA

1st Anniversary of ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER




BBC News Up to 13,000 slaves working in UK

There could be 10-13,000 victims of slavery in the UK, far more than previous estimates, analysis for the Home Office suggests.
Modern slavery victims are said to include women forced into prostitution, "imprisoned" domestic staff and workers in fields, factories and fishing boats.

Prophetic Conference- November 8,2014 Angel TV



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Feast of the Lord with JILL SHARRON.

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj in poland03

Open Heaven Prophetic Conference Lodz,Poland organized by Victory in Jesus Church and the Redeemed Christian Church Łódź


Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj in poland02

Open Heaven Prophetic Conference  Lodz,Poland organized by Victory in Jesus Church and the Redeemed Christian Church Łódź


Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj in poland

Open Heaven Prophetic Conference  Lodz,Poland organized by Victory in Jesus Church and the Redeemed Christian Church Łódź


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Amazing Grace with Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and Pastor Lu Luthra




TRUNEWS 8/6/14 Prophet Sundar Selvaraj

TRUNEWS: Topic : Prophet Sundar Selvaraj from Chennai India shares with Rick the prophetic warning God gave him for the USA and other nations. REVELATION READY: "Forgiving the Worst Case Scenario" Darrel and Sherri Beebe have served as missionaries, pastors, and evangelists within the body of Christ for years. When they were on the mission field in Palau their entire family was assaulted by criminals. Instead of turning from God in light of what took place they chose a higher road, they chose to forgive. They will be joining us to share their story.

Hi every one this channel is a compilation and replay of TRUNEWS RADIO.
Subscribe to my channel for more podcast.

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj - Hogyan nyiltak meg a szellemi szemeim - magyar felirattal


Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj - The nature of the Lamb (2014)


Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj - The powers of the age to come (2014)


Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj - How my spiritual eyes have opened (2014)




The military and language are used as means of oppression

The SL military is interfering in the assistance and resettlement of the Up-Country Tamil landslide victims in Meeriya-bedda in the same manner it interferes in the resettlement of Tamils in the North and East. The military is everywhere monitoring everyone visiting the affected. The victims have been demanding proper responses to their questions on where and how the resettlement housing and livelihood plans would be implemented, before moving into a longer-term temporary settlement inside an abandoned station factory. SL military, doctors and nurses, claiming to assist the the Tamil victims are all Sinhala-speakers. The military and language are used as means of oppression. A Sinhala-Buddhist supremacist approach is oppressing minorities in the Up-Country, said Rev Fr Fontgallan of the Leo Marga Ashram in Bandarawela.
After 2009, two military bases were established in Talawakelle and Badulla where Up-Country Tamils live in significant numbers.
It is said that the military would be constructing the resettlement houses for the landslide-victims.
Rev. Fr. Santhiapillai Guy de Fontgalland is the founder of Leo Marga Ashram (LMA), an alternative development-oriented action group based in Bandarawela. A few days ago, TamilNet interviewed him on the situation of landslide-affected victims of Meeriya-bedda in Badulla district.
Guy de Fontgalland, who has authored more than a dozen books, most of them on the plight of deprived communities in the Up-Country, is of the opinion that the people are facing unsaid hunger. As a result of the deterioration and other multiple factors, they would eventually face famine. He listed a number of factors such as the majoritarian oppression, dictatorial rule, corruption and inflation in cost of living.
Since the British times, it has become a practice of building the so-called "Lines" or "Kaamburaa" [from the word Camera] rooms in low-lying lands in the Up-Country, he said.
In Meeriya-bedda too, the lines of rooms, where the people had been settled, were situated in a dale between two mountains. He described the catastrophe that occurred on the fateful day of October 29, 2014, as a Tsunami to the villagers. A 300-feet section of the highest mountain in the area had slide onto the settlement, causing the disaster.
When new lands were identified for resettlement at another low-lying locality, the people started to complain. The military presence is silencing the people from mobilising to articulate their needs, Guy de Fontgalland told TamilNet.
The victims expect at least 10 perches of land for residential and 20 perches for agricultural and farming purposes per family. But, nobody, be it the government, trade unionists or politicians seem to care about listening to the needs of the victims.
There is an organisation with a 11-member-board, the Plantation Human Development Trust (PHDT), which comprises of five members from the regional plantation companies, four members from the Sri Lankan government and two trade union representatives. It is this body, which is going to ultimately decide the fate, where the resettlement housing should be established.
In the past, the PHDT- constructed houses were not complete enough for the people to resettle. In most cases, the people themselves had to invest their own resources to complete the housing. In addition, the people have to bear the expenses for water and electricity.
To a normal village, the SL government takes responsibility to bring electricity to their village. But, for a plantation settlement, the people have to bear the expenses to bring electricity to their settlement.
The people were forced to take up loans for which they have to pay interest at the rate of 16% per year. In addition, those qualify for housing should have worked in the estate for 5 years and that they should be below the age of 45.
There is also a political purpose behind the announcement that PHDT will be constructing the resettlement houses for Meeriaya-bedda victims. It is also connected to the snap presidential elections, according to Fr Fontgalland.
In the previous budget, placed in December 2013, it was claimed that the government would be constructing 50,000 rooms or "kaamburaas" as multi-floored blocks. The people are opposed to the construction of multi-floored line rooms.
In Meeriya-bedda too, there was a talk of constructing blocks. But, Fontgalland thinks that single houses would be built for Meeriyabedda victims. But, what he senses as the major problems are the lack of surveying and no one listening to the real needs of the people who have been dependent on their self-sustained livelihood so far.
The first issue is that the land allocated per family seems to be limited to 7 perches. This is not enough for the people to engage in household farming. "They can not even plant a tree of their own. This will only force the people to abandon the settlement and seek places like the old locality. The families expect 40 perches of land together with electricity and water supply, "Fr. Fontgalland told TamilNet.
These are people who were not dependent on Estate employment. They were largely dependent on self-sustained farming. Therefore, they need compensation for their losses. They have lost three-wheelers, jewellery and virtually everything they owned. Such losses should be surveyed and compensated.
63 families have been completely affected by the disaster. The parents, who went to work, and the children who went to school that morning, survived the disaster. Initial reports had put the number of people missing at 300. But, according to final reports, 37 people went missing and 13 of them are confirmed dead following the recovery of their remains.
Landslide danger has been identified in 10 districts in the Up-Country. There are several reasons that cause the disaster and the man-made ones range from large dam constructions to logging of trees, Fontgalland said. Some scientists also add that the deepening of Hambantota port as one of the factors, he added.
"Unfortunately, the political leaders and union leaders of the Up-Country have very little concern on the welfare of the people."
It is a shame that the people who have toiled for the economic development of the island and who brought the first foreign exchange income into the country are still not able to own a perch of their own land in Up-Country, he said.
Fr. Fontgalland has authored the following works on Up-Country Tamils: The Up country Tamils- A National Race, The Up country Tamils and Politics, Plantation women's Rights, The Impact of Globalization on the Plantation Sector in Sri Lanka, Social Development and Poverty in the Plantation in Sri Lanka, The challenges faced by the Plantation Tamils in the 21st Century, Searching for Alternatives and Plantation community Moves for a Change.
With a vision of liberating the plantation community and a mission of creating an alternative leadership in the plantation sector through conscientisation programs aimed at a people's movement, Fontgalland is working through Leo Marga Ashram (LMA), a non governmental and a Non-Profit organization opened to all, irrespective of ethnicity and religion
more detailhttp://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=37497



Revealed Prophecy by God to Prophet Vincent Selvakumar, on April 2011.

Documentary of Twin Towers


Prarthana ka Samay


Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj's Life Changing Testimony

Sundar Selvaraj was raised up in a strong Hindu family. He has two sisters and a younger brother. When he was about seven years old, his father became a layman priest."
Young Sundar being the first born male child followed his father's footsteps and became a devout Hindu. He gave himself to the study of mantras and was versed in performing pujas (religious ceremonies). He even carried the kavadi- a form of Hindu penance, for three years. When he was about 16 years old, there arose a question in his heart about karma, life after death and nirvana. He sought the favours of the Hindu deities through fasting, penances and pujas, to be set free from the cycle of rebirth and to be one with Brahma - the union with the cosmic energy. But all his efforts were futile. After six months of fervent futile prayers, he came to the conclusion that he had been fated to be reincarnated again and again in this world due to his bad karma.
About this time in June 1978, he attended a religious-cum-science lecture at a public auditorium. The distinguished speaker was speaking on the subject of evolution. Young Sundar had great fascination for science and was planning on becoming a neurosurgeon. After speaking for half an hour on evolution, the speaker then compared the science of evolution to the science of creation by God. Although science was of interest to Sundar he did not enjoy hearing about Jesus Christ. The speaker said that because of God's great love for man, He came down to earth as a man to die for the sins of the whole world, and only by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ can a person be set free from sin and the cycle of death.
After the message, the speaker gave an invitation to all those who wished to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour to come forward to the stage. Though Sundar felt an urge to go forward, being a staunch Hindu, he rebelled against the nudge. Suddenly, from deep within him, he heard a clear and audible voice speaking to him. The voice said, "This is the true God. Go and follow Him." Sundar was astonished to hear the voice beckoning him to go forward and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour and God. He ignored the voice. But, like an auto reverse cassette player, the voice kept on repeating, "This is the true God. Go and follow Him." Sundar then experienced another supernatural experience. The chair on which he was sitting began to shake.
It was as if the chair was prompting him to get up and go. He grabbed the handles of the chair and would not budge an inch.
All the while, the voice kept repeating. "This is the true God. Go and follow Him". Sundar was now experiencing two unexplainable supernatural experiences. Then without any warning, he felt a real tangible hand below his back. The hand gently lifted him up to his feet. Puzzled, Sundar stopped resisting. The unseen but real hand then clasped his hand and gently led him down three flights of stairs to the front of the stage.
He joined about 50 other people who had come forward to receive the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Looking upwards, Sundar said, "Jesus if you are the true God, please help me be set free from the cycle of rebirth."He then repeated after the speaker, "Lord Jesus come into my life."
As soon as he said those words,he least expected another supernatural experience. He felt someone pouring what he felt like oil on his head. It dropped on his head and began to flow downwards all over him. As the oil was flowing down over him, he felt a cleansing taking place inside his heart. Like all his sins and filthy nature being washed and cleansed.The oil kept flowing down to his toes. When the oil flowed out of his toes, a great indescribable peace filled his entire being. After the Lord gave him four supernatural experiences, Sundar was totally convinced that the Lord Jesus Christ is truly The One True God. He then sincerely gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ and became his devoted disciple.


Word of the Lord_7


Word of the Lord_8 about Famine

Reveled Prophecy on 2013 Jan

Бунт в Египет в Август 2013

Амос 3:7
Ибо Господь Бог ничего не делает, не открыв Своей тайны рабам Своим, пророкам.

Бунт в Египет в Август 2013, Пророчество в 01 январь 2012


Наводнение и оползень в Уттаракханде, Индии в июнь 2013г -- предсказано

Амос 3:7
Ибо Господь Бог ничего не делает, не открыв Своей тайны рабам Своим, пророкам.

Снято в 27 Июнь 2010.


Падение метеорита в Челябинске предсказано

Прорчекие откровение о падение метеоритв в Челябинске.


US ALERT in micro chip

The Obama Health Care Law
Requires All us Citizens to have the RFIED chip implanted In the human


從撒督 孫大索(Sadhu Selvaraj)&修女Anne Catherine見的異象,
評論Mel Gibson(梅爾吉伯遜)的電影基督受難記的真實與錯誤


Sadhu撒督 孙大索:电影基督受难记的真实性1-2


從撒督 孙大索(Sadhu Selvarj)&修女Anne Catherine見的異象


耶穌在天上如何為我們禱告 How does Jesus pray for us in heaven by Sadhu 撒督

撒督描述耶穌如何在天上,神寶座前為我們禱告,從內心深處發出的哭求, 耶穌一直禱告,一直禱告長時間為我們代禱,
In this story that testified by Saduh Selvaraj, a India woman burdened with 4 things(maybe Saduh's remembrance is not exact ),that woman was crying, our Lord Jesus cried more, even heartbroken, interceded for her in heaven,

Our Lord Jesus has a tender heart, when He see his children cry, His heart full of sorrow also, shed tears with us,

in the book; the divine revelation of Heaven by Mary K. Baxter described ; there are"tear rooms" in Heaven, angels will store our tears in a crystal bottle.

撒督 孫大索和譚適德都有提到在聖靈裡的呻吟歎息禱告,是方言禱告的最高層次, 在故事中耶穌就是用這種方言禱告,

8:26況且我們的軟弱有聖靈幫助,我們本不曉得當怎樣禱告,只是聖靈親自用說不出­來的歎息[kjv 直譯:呻吟]替我們禱告。 
[kjv] Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered




与荣耀相遇 撒督牧师新加坡特会专辑

与荣耀相遇 撒督牧师新加坡特会专辑


打开天堂的门 撒督牧师新加坡特会专辑

这是撒督牧师新加坡特会的专辑,题目是: 打开天堂的门


撒督牧师:医治教導第一講-信徒的權柄8/8 (S-1)The Authority of a Believer 8/8



撒督牧师:医治教導第一講-信徒的權柄7/8 (S-1)The Authority of a Believer 7/8



撒督牧师:医治教導第一講-信徒的權柄6/8 (S-1) The Authority of a Believer 6/8



撒督牧师:医治教導第一講-信徒的權柄5/8 (S-1)The Authority of a Believer 5/8



撒督牧师:医治教導第一講-信徒的權柄4/8 (S-1)The Authority of a Believer 4/8


撒督牧师:医治教導第一講-信徒的權柄3/8 (S-1)The Authority of a Believer 3/8


撒督牧师:医治教導第一講-信徒的權柄 2/8 (S-1)The Authority of a Believer 2/8

主 已赐给我们每一个信徒权柄:说新方言,手能拿蛇,吃了毒物不中毒,手按病人病得医治。­但我们必须以信心为根基,才能行出来。
Lord Jesus has given all authority to us. We can cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents and heal sick people.We need to learn how to use our authority Lord has given to us.


撒督牧师:医治第一講-信徒的權柄 1/8 (S-1)The Authority of a Believer 1/8


A church is a place to minister to people in needs. Every member of a church can minister to another. Do you understand the authourity God gives to you as a Christian?


Philippines Prophetic Destiny 2/3


Philippines Prophetic Destiny 2/3


NOW the Prophecy is slowly happening in Philippine

This was Prophesied last April 2013 Cuneta Astrodome & NOW the Prophecy is slowly happening


Pray for Pangasinan


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