
Let us consider one of the six temperaments anger. You cannot exempt even a single man as being free of anger. Even other creatures get angry. You witness the anger of an ant if you deter it from carrying a piece of rice. It bites you in a fit of anger. Likewise, all creatures possess anger as a hereditary trait.
When we get angry our mental frequency shoots up to 25-30 cycles per second. Because, of this raise, our life force is wasted. In its effort to replenish, the functioning state of Almighty causes an increase in the" spinning speed of life force particles. Because, then, additional bio-magnetic force would be produced. Increase in the spin causes increase in the distance between two particles.
This, in turn, causes one's astral body to expand beyond his physical body. All the life-force particles expanded beyond the periphery of the body are lost forever. Since they do not return to the physical body, one feels very tired and weak after getting angry.
When the life-force particles increase in spinning speed, they move away from the earth by centrifugal action and leave the body. Maximum deportation occurs via the head, and so, they abnormally affect the brain. This impedes the normal functioning of the brain. So the angry person is unable to think clearly; he blabbers and acts violently without control.
Apart from this, the blood pressure of the person shoots up during anger. All the nerves and muscles in the heart throb violently and rapidly and this causes damage if done repeatedly. All these changes can be observed in an angry person. But we cannot point them out to him and
ask him to observe himself Because, he is in a restless state, which hinders self observation.
The Tamil poet, Thiruvalluvar, says that anger kills the man with whom it associates. Not only that, he says, it also annihilates friendship and repels acquaintances. Mostly, if you analyze as to with whom you quite often get angry, you will find that it is only with the nearest and dearest, often the one who works day and night for your comfort out of love and a sense of duty. Is it not unfair and ungrateful in the extreme to get angry with such a person? If you are habituated to getting angry, your kith and kin would gradually avoid you.

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