Carry out investigat​ions on human rights violation or face the internatio​nal investigat​ions: United States

Unites Stares request the government to carry out free and fair international investigations on human rights violations in SriLanka or else Lankan government is force to face legal actions by the international community. United States further said they will support the government if they come forward to carry out war crime investigations according to the international law.
Responding to a United States ultimatum on investigating alleged human rights violations, the government said yesterday it regretted that the US had not taken into account the accountability measures taken by the government in the past months.

“We have proved sufficiently to the international community including the United Nations with evidence of humanitarian measures we have undertaken during the last stages of the war.
We have answered every question adequately,” government spokesman and minister Keheliya Rambukwella said.
However he said the government had not directly responded to the US on the accountability measures taken by the government.
“We have commented on these allegations so many times,” the minister said and added that the government was not trivializing the ultimatum issued by the US.
“It will be wrong to say that we are not taking the US statement seriously,” he said.

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