No Fire Zone Sinhala version

Welcome to the Sinhala language version of No Fire Zone.

For many years the government of President Rajapaksa systematically restricted the freedom of the press. Now the people of Sri Lanka have chosen a different government – a government which has declared its commitment to a free press.Under the last regime the truth about what happened at the end of the terrible war in Sri Lanka was denied to the vast majority of people in Sri Lanka. Now they can watch this Sinhala translation of the film and make up their own minds.
We offer this translation in the hope it will help inform a national discussion in Sri Lanka about the best way forward. We believe the vast majority of people in Sri Lanka, from all communities, want to know the truth and end impunity – and they want to find a peaceful, democratic alternative to the terrible bloodshed of the last decades.
Only with justice can come reconciliation and political solutions for long-standing injustices that will ensure the democratic rights of all the communities of this island, and allow them to live peacefully.Please watch this film.
Please encourage your friends to watch it. Feel free to share it, download it and even copy it onto DVDs for wider distribution

No Fire Zone

More detail http://nofirezone.org/sinhala-version

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