Is the Lord really the Lord of my life?

There was once a young couple who were passionately in love in the beginning of their marriage. But as time passed by, the joy n passion began to fade. Children came along together with cares of work n their lives got so preoccupied with life's everyday busyness. Slowly they grew apart. Even when they sit down to eat, on rare occasions, they were busy fiddling with their cell phones rather than focus on each other n talk. One evening the wife arrived home form work to find her husband's cell phone on the table with a note: "Meet me on the patio." She left her cell phone beside his n walked to the patio. She opened the patio door to see her husband waiting for her with roses in hand, dinner table set for two with candles. His inviting look told her: "Will you step across the patio n come to meet with him n accept his heartfelt offer to rekindle their failing love?"
Have we, likewise, allowed the cares and busyness of this world, rob our times with the Lord Jesus, the Lover of our Soul? In this month of preparation to weed out all the tares n remove the leaven from our lives, will you return back to your first love? The Lord is waiting across the "patio door" with outstretched arms to welcome you back again into His love. Will you push away the "door" that has come between you n the Lord? You won't get another opportunity than this season of transition to something higher n better. If you make the right choice, you will be engrafted back into the intimacy of His love - face to face with the One who desires to be the love of your life. READ: Zechariah 1:3; Zephaniah 3:17
1. How have I allowed the cares of the world to come between me n the Lord?
2. Is the Lord really the Lord of my life?
3. What have I put before the Lord in importance?
Sincerely thank the Lord for His patient n faithful love. Ask Him to forgive you for straying from Him n allowing the cares of the world to draw you away. Ask Him to help you draw near to Him. Open your heart and have an honest n sincere talk with God expressing your love for Him n express your appreciation for the love He has for you.

Thankyou https://www.facebook.com/AngelTV.SSS

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