Washington, New Delhi and Colombo Establishments and implemented through Sampanthan-Sumanthiran in srilankan tamil

The lacuna of inner democracy in the present day Ilangkai Thamizh Arasuk Kadchi (ITAK) is being exploited by TNA Parliamentary Group Leader Mr R. Sampanthan and TNA's nominated parliamentarian Mr M.A. Sumanthiran to deviate Tamils from their cause and struggle, accused Vice President and Senior leader of the ITAK, Professor S.K. Sitrampalam in an interview to TamilNet this week. Professor Sitrampalam also spoke on the danger hatching in any move of postponement of the Geneva process, futility of the 13A - unitary outlooks and Sampanthan participating the ‘Independence Day’ in endorsement of the British designed unitary system and Maithiri regime's strict adherence to it. Professor Sitrampalam's challenge to the continued hoodwink collectively staged by Washington, New Delhi and Colombo Establishments and implemented through Sampanthan-Sumanthiran device, finds wide appreciation in several quarters of the Tamil population, political observers in Jaffna said.

The deception continues unchallenged for a long time. It has to be politically challenged at some point and Professor Sitrampalam is doing that, the political observers said. The appreciating comments were coming even from sections that were never sympathetic to the ITAK. 

“We have violated our past tradition without getting anything substantial from the present government,” Sitrampalam said on Sampanthan's and Sumanthiran's participation in the so-called Independence Day of Sri Lanka. The duo has participated in the Independence Day without consulting the Central Committee, he, said. 

Since the ‘Sinhala Only’ policy introduced in 1956, the ITAK, TULF and the present day TNA has been boycotting the Sri Lankan Independence Day. The people were not only boycotting, but they have also been staging protests on the day, Professor Sitrampalam further observed.

MORE DETAIL http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=37629

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