Wigneswaran exposes US delay tactics at Geneva

The US Asst.Secretary of State Nisha Biswal was not in favour of pursuing the Geneva OISL investigation on Sri Lanka in the March sessions as scheduled, revealed NPC Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran in his speech in Tamil at the council on Tuesday, while introducing the resolution that demanded urgent international investigation on historically continuing genocide against Tamils. “In my recent conversation with Ms Biswal, I understood that the USA wants to be in favour of the present Sri Lanka government, as this government is favourable to the USA,” Wigneswaran said. “When Ms Biswal asked what could be the appropriate time for the release of the Geneva report and when I replied that it should be in March, she didn’t accept it,” the NPC-CM said. 

Mr. Sampanthan, Mr. Sumanthiran, Mr. Suresh Premachandran and Mr. Selvam Adaikkalanathan were also in favour of releasing the Geneva report as scheduled. But the US expectation was on making the present government to win the elections by delaying the report and containing Sinhala sentiments, Wigneswaran said.

“My reply [to Ms Biswal] was: ‘You think the delay could help to get Sinhala votes, but you should not forget that by delaying you ignore Tamil votes,” Wigneswaran revealed, adding that he didn’t want to comment further on the interaction with Ms. Biswal.
Justice Wigneswaran was stressing on the importance of Tamils and Sinhalese understanding the endless cycles of deception deployed by successive governments in the island.

The polity followed in the island never allowed the Sinhala people to see that Tamils are also an aborigine people of the island who are the majority in their land and they have the same rights as the Sinhalese over matters such as language, culture, tradition and living space, Wigneswaran said.

Many may ask why the resolution at this time, embarrassing a government willingly created by us. But this is the time the truth should be told and the justice should come, Wigneswaran said, adding that the strategy should be approaching the Sinhala people with truth.

In continuing the deception, Wigneswaran was accusing SL Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe more than SL President Maithiripala Sirisena.

If the Geneva process doesn’t tell the truth now and if the military is not removed from the Tamil land now, then the future sufferings of Tamils will be endless. This has to be understood by Sinhalese too in forging a new political culture. That’s why this resolution and this is not against the Sinhala people, Wigneswaran said. 

The resolution passed unanimously in the council (including the EPDP, Muslim and Sinhala councillors) was calling for urgent international investigation on the historical and recent genocide against Tamils in the island; was urging the OISL investigation on Sri Lanka to take up the genocide claim and to pave way for International Criminal Court prosecutions, and was seeking international protection from genocide for Tamils in the North and East. 

Presenting the resolution in English, Wigneswaran in his introductory speech in Tamil said that the plight of Tamils in the island, as understood by outsiders, has not been understood inside. The resolution should be translated into Sinhala and Tamil, he said.

“Being in the twilight of my life I tell this, and the implementation of it needs constant contribution and keenness of our younger generation,” Wigneswaran said in his Tamil speech, presenting the resolution.

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