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 7 CHURCHES OF ASIA is a prophetic foreview of stages of church in God’s timeline. These 7 all exist today. Which church are you in?


- PC can open doors which no one can shut. Because you have kept My Word, I will protect you from the tribulation coming to the church.

- PC has KEY OF DAVID, has an open door to the heavenlies and to MANY, MANY, MANY NATIONS of the world. I will make you a PILLAR, will write His Name upon you.
- Promises made to this church will come to its FULNESS.

- OPEN DOOR speaks of AUTHORITY. Key of David meaning a MISSIONARY CITY, will spread Kingdom of God to every language, every nation of the world, will make you pillars in the House of the Lord; will not run during earthquakes, but take the opportunity. Gates of hell will not prevail against you. Will be given MUCH HIGHER LEVEL OF ANGELIC PROTECTION, go to DANGEROUS PLACES. And IT STARTS NOW!!! Will be given KEYS TO THE KINGDOM; whatever you bind in heaven will be bound on earth. This speaks of AUTHORITY. God will give you, OPEN REGIONS of nations, Open heavens, gateways, portals to enter into nations; small now, but INCREASE IN MUCH GREATER WAY.

- God is about to RELEASE A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF AUTHORITY TO STOP WHAT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED which is not according to God’s will. We have DOMINION over all creation, the earth, over every atom. Will extend My Kingdom from heaven to earth. Whole creation waits for the MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD, now in this next season at FOT, will be given KEY OF DAVID IN ITS FULNESS, whatever you open…

- Tell My people IF THEY DO NOT SANCTIFY THEIR MOUTH, THEY WILL NOT LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH, because whatever comes out of our mouth, good or bad, will have great authority and will come to pass. 

- We need to UNDERSTAND THE GREAT AUTHORITY WE HAVE. WE HAVE TO QUALIFY FOR AUTHORITY. USE THIS WISELY, IN LOVE & AT GOD’S COMMAND. We should be mature enough to handle authority. BE CAREFUL HOW WE SPEAK IN THIS NEXT SEASON. Everything is in acceleration, and whatever we speak will happen immediately.

- Tower of Babel is about astrology, all saying the same thing; this has great power. UNIFIED CHANTING ON THE STREETS HAS GREAT POWER. It shall be brought to pass. Ex. IFP PEOPLE ALL DECLARING THE SAME THING.

- Satan is not creative, so he needs our words to create with. Spirit world immediately responds with our world. If they are God’s words, angels respond. If they are negative words, wicked spirits respond. “You are snared by the words of your mouth.” God created this physical world through His SPOKEN WORD. When YOUR THOUGHTS & YOUR MOUTH lose the power to hurt, a door in the Kingdom will open up to you. If we are going to survive in these days, we NEED TO SANCTIFY, DISCIPLINE OUR MOUTH. What you have spoken shapes your future.

- Abraham had to visualize, dream all the lands God promised to him; he could not see them physically. Started CALLING Sarah ‘Princess of nations,’ made her look younger, that is why the Kings till desired her despite her age. Then she conceived. Also Jacob to Israel, ‘Prince with God,’ has power with God.
- God is going to give you TREMENDOUS AUTHORITY, but be careful with your mouth. Philadelphia Church, a door in heaven is going to be open to you. Many OVERCOMERS IN THIS CHURCH. FULNESS OF PHILADELPHIA CHURCH WILL NOW BE RELEASED TO YOU!!!

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