Time of Fulfillment of Your Destiny and God's Promises Has Come

• I saw a TIMELINE SHOWING PROPHECIES, PROMISES FOR PEOPLE which have not yet been fulfilled but INTERSECTING NOW in this timeframe. Time of FULFILMENT has now come, THIS WEEKEND. Joshua said to Bro. Neville 3 months ago, “WITHIN 3 DAYS (Bro. Neville immediately had 3 months in his mind) YOU SHALL CROSS-OVER. Things are going to change.” The 3 months end this weekend. Take hold of God seriously and talk about these prophecies over your life. This is a year of RESTORATION, a JUBILEE YEAR, a TIME OF RELEASE, taking hold of things stolen by the enemy, to take hold of the prophecies over your life. It’s time for the FULFILLMENT OF THESE THINGS. EVERYTHING THAT THE DEVIL HAS STOLEN, EVERY PROPHETIC WORD THE DEVIL HAS STOLEN FROM US WILL BE RECOVERED, RESTORED 7-FOLD.
• We are at the brink of the Final Dispensation. 
• WHO SHALL ASCEND THE HILL OF THE LORD? He who has CLEAN HANDS and A PURE HEART, shall receive the blessing of the Lord. This is a generation that SEEKS YOUR FACE. The Church has never come to Mt Zion yet, the Promise Land, because we haven’t received the promises of God to us; that’s why it is called the Promise Land. Open Heavens in Mt. Zion - healings, great light.

There is A GENERATION THAT WILL ASCEND THE HILL OF THE LORD, MT ZION. It is our generation. We have the Ark within us. Presence of the Ark is very dangerous. People in these last days who ‘touch’ the Ark are going to die – slanderers of moves of God on Youtube, Twitter. ONLY THE LEVITES, PRIESTS (WE ARE PRIESTS) WITH CLEAN HANDS AND A PURE HEART CAN CARRY THE ARK. It requires a new level of commitment and consecration of our lives to carry the Ark this season. There is a generation that will come to Zion, this generation. THE SET TIME HAS COME TO FAVOR HER. 
• PSA. 87:5-6 BORN IN TIME OF ZION. The Lord has a Book (not Book of Life; another book) that has names of people, born in this generation, that will reach Zion.

• Obad. 1:21 SAVIORS FROM ZION, then kingdom shall become the Lord’s. 
• THERE IS A GENERATION, SONS OF DESTINY written in book. Psa. 2:7-8 TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN YOU AS SONS, ASK OF ME FOR THE NATIONS AS YOUR INHERITANCE. You have come to the kingdom for such a time as this. Prophetic markers of our destiny will be brought forward in this time. 

• NEED TO SANCTIFY YOUR HEART - strong in spirit & character. Pray in tongues a very long period of time to strengthen your spirit.

• 4th of May 2015 angel Manoah took Bro. Neville to a cave in the Second Heavens where Satan dwells with his army, palaces made of anti-matter. He was told to take a CROWN and was then brought to heaven where the Lord Jesus told him that was the crown stolen from Solomon because he has fallen. 
THIS CROWN is now available to those who are sincerely desiring and qualified TO BUILD THE HOUSE OF THE LORD. Leaders, we are going to need this mantle of WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING. Ask, ask, ask. WE ARE GOING TO BUILD THE WORLD-WIDE HOUSE OF THE LORD. 

• PURITY OF HEART, pray for this everyday; PURE MOTIVES. As he prayed this, Lord gave Bro. Neville a gold chain with a CROSS to wear and protect his heart. Ask, pursue this. ONLY THOSE WHO DIE TO THEMSELVES CAN WEAR THIS.

You’re not going to get a second shot at this. IT IS NOW OR NEVER!

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