Human Rights of Sri Lanka concerned over blocking of websites

The Centre for Human Rights of Sri Lanka issuing a statement says it is seriously concerned about blocking Groundviews, Vikalpa and the Transparency International websites, which act as alternative voices, by Sri Lanka Telecom.
In a statement signed by its executive director Rajith Keerthi Tennakoon, the Centre for Human Rights said that at a time there is serious censorship and self-censorship in the main stream media, websites have become an alternative space for public discussion about sensitive issues.
The organization points out that the blocked websites are spaces, where serious, sometimes controversial, discussions are carried out by intellectuals and those who are politically sensitive, both pro and antigovernment.
Lanka Freedom, Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CAFFE) website, Lanka Guardian run by Asian Human Rights Commission, Lanka E news, Lanka News Web and TamilNet are among other websites blocked in Sri Lanka says the Center for Human Rights.
By sporadically blocking these websites the authorities are attempting to stop the flow of new ideas to the society, the statement said.

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