India failed says ICG

The International Crisis Group (ICG) today slammed the Indian government for failing to work towards fundamental changes in Sri Lanka’s post-war policies.
The Geneva based international organization said that India has long been the country with the greatest influence over Sri Lanka but its policies to encourage the government there towards a sustainable peace are not working.
ICG says India’s interventions have made Sri Lankans of all communities suspicious, limiting India’s room for manoeuvre.
It says many Sinhalese see India as favouring Tamils and as wanting to weaken or divide the country, despite its crucial role in destroying the Tamil Tigers.
For many Tamils, on the other hand, India is seen as having repeatedly broken its pledges to defend their rights and protect their lives, especially during the final phase of the war in 2009, ICG added.
The organization says, to support a sustainable and equitable post-war settlement in Sri Lanka and limit the chances of another authoritarian and military-dominated government on its borders, India needs to work more closely with the United States, the European Union and Japan, encouraging them to send the message that Sri Lanka’s current direction is not acceptable.
It should press for the demilitarisation of the north, a return to civil administration there and in the east and the end of emergency rule throughout the country, ICG add

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