US reiterates call for an investigat​ion on Sri Lanka's allegation​s of war crimes

The United States Monday reiterated its call for an investigation on the allegations of war crimes made against Sri Lanka in the report prepared by the United Nations Panel of Experts and in a documentary aired by a British television station.
In response to a media query at Monday's press briefing the U.S. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said the U.S. is deeply concerned about credible allegations of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights in Sri Lanka.
"As we've stated, we support a full accounting of and accountability for those who engage in acts that violated international human rights in Sri Lanka," the spokesperson said.
"Assistant Secretary Blake and other senior officials have regularly raised these concerns," she added.
Ms. Nuland said the U.S. Personnel have seen the Channel 4 documentary and it includes "some very disturbing images".
The Sri Lankan government has said that its own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa would investigate the alleged crimes shown by Channel 4 in its documentary called " Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" and appropriate action would be taken if found true.
However, the government rejected the video as a complete fabrication by the Channel 4 in collusion with the pro-LTTE Tamil diaspora in Britain.

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